Making Representations Reusable

You can make a representation reusable.

Warning: This command is available only if the Enable the reuse of representations option is selected. To select this option, open Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling and then Systems Architecture > Product Structure Design > Commands.

For more information, see Native Apps Preferences Guide: Commands.

See Also
Inserting New Representations
  1. Open a product containing a representation.
  2. In the tree, right-click the representation and select Make reusable representation.
    The representation is now reusable. In the tree, its icon is updated.
    • Making a representation reusable is definitive: once it is defined as reusable, a representation can no more be nonreusable.
    • A versioned representation cannot be reusable.

      For more about versions, see Physical Product and Engineering BOM Collaboration User's Guide: About Managing Collaborated Data.

Once the representation has been made reusable, you are able to:

  • Copy/paste the representation
  • Insert an existing representation from this session or from the database.
    Important: To insert a representation from the database, you must first save the reusable representation.