Inserting a New Markup

You can insert a new markup in Product Structure Design.

This task shows you how to:

Create a Markup

You can create a markup (also called technological representation) in Product Structure Design. Markups are created by insertion under a selected product with the Insert command.

  1. Select a product.
  2. From the Product Modification section of the action bar, click Insert New Markup.

    • To successively repeat this action, double-click the command. The repeat mode is only available for a monoselection. To end the repeat mode, press Esc.
    • This command is also available from the context menu.

    The Product Markup dialog box appears.

    Select Optional Attributes tab to assign optional attributes.

  3. Enter the details about the review in the Product Markup tab.
    • Title
    • Description.
      Note: The Name box displays the non-editable and unique key server identifier.
    • Manufacturable/Procurable: Select Yes to indicate that the object is to be part of the manufacturing definition.
  4. Click Finish.
    A DMU technological representation called Markup appears.

    For more information about DMU markups, see the Design Review User's Guide.

Set a Representation As Current

You can set one technological representation (also called markup) as current at a time under a product. The notion of current technological representation is necessary for the apps that manage the applicative data within the technological representation.

  1. Select a product.
  2. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Knowledge Engineering Specification .
    The technological representation is created. It is underlined to indicate that it is current.
  3. Insert another technological representation under the same product.
    A technological representation is created and set as current.
  4. Right-click the first technological representation and select Set as current.

    Important: The notion of current technological representation is not persistent in database; therefore there is no current technological representation when a product structure is opened. If a current technological representation is deleted, there is no current technological representation under the product.

    The technological representation is set as current.