Cutting/Deleting Configured Objects with Engineering Connections or Contextual Links

You can cut or delete configured objects which have engineering connections or contextual links. The engineering connection links or the contextual links are rerouted, duplicated or deleted, based on the effectivity of the objects.

Before you begin: Create an assembly which has two parts having defined effectivity for a model and engineering connections.
See Also
Replacing an Existing Predefined Configuration
  1. Open an assembly in a configured environment.
  2. Right-click a configured part and select Cut.
    The Edit Links & Relations options dialog box appears.
    Note: You can solve relational issues by launching edit links command directly.
  3. In the Edit Links & Relations options dialog box, select the convenient option and click OK.

    The Define effectivity For Cut dialog box appears.

  4. Select the effectivity and click OK.
    The Operation beyond current configuration context dialog box appears.
  5. Click Yes.
    The instance of the configured part is split and is temporarily deactivated in the session. The engineering connection also gets rerouted.
    Note: For cut and delete commands, the relational design data that is loaded in session is managed consistently with the configuration. When deleting a connection pointing an instance which was split, it can be rerouted on the new instance, duplicated or deleted.