Using Attributes with the Sheet Editor

The sheet editor allows you to view and edit the attributes of multiple contents in a spreadsheet view.

Warning: To access the Sheet Editor command, you must open the Collaborative Lifecycle or Collaborative IP Managementapp. For more information, see the Collaborative Lifecycle User's Guide.

Important: The Sheet Editor helps manage attributes. To display and edit an object and its content, use the Spreadsheet. For more information, see About the Spreadsheet.

This command is described in a Product Finder context. The scenario is identical in a Product Structure Design context.

  1. Explore a product, expand it and select the objects for which you want to modify attributes.
  2. From the action bar, click Sheet Editor .

    The Sheet Editor appears. There is a row corresponding to each of the selected objects.

  3. To modify an attribute value for a selected object, click the attribute, type the new value, and press Enter.

    The modification status is indicated in the leftmost column:

    • : attributes in the row have been modified and the modifications are compliant with the Business Rules check.
    • : attributes in the row have been modified but warnings have been raised by the Business Rules check.
    • : attributes in the row have been modified but errors have been raised by the Business Rules check.
    Note: You cannot edit the attributes that the system considers to be non-modifiable.
    • The modification status tooltip indicates details per modified attribute.
    • To modify an attribute for multiple objects, use multiselection to select the objects. The selected attribute of the last selected object is modified for all selected objects.
  4. To revert to the original attribute values of a modified object, select the object row and click Revert Selected Row .
  5. To revert to the original attribute values of all modified objects, click Revert All .
  6. To remove a row from the Sheet Editor, click Remove Selected Rows .
    Note: To sort rows by a given attribute, click the attribute name in the header.
    Warning: Once you remove a row, you cannot recover it in the current Sheet Editor.
  7. To filter the attributes that are displayed in the Sheet Editor, click Filter Attributes .
    The Filter Attributes dialog box appears.
  8. To modify the displayed attributes, you can select and unselect the displayed entries.

    The attributes in the Sheet Editor are filtered accordingly.

    • You can modify the order of the columns displayed in the sheet editor with the arrows. The order of the columns is persistent through sessions for the same object type (with the same list of extensions, if any). If the object has reference and instance attributes, the columns can be reordered within each list of attributes, but cannot be mixed.
    • You can reset the default order by clicking Reset order. The reset is applied both on reference and instance columns, if any.
    • The Display Name column order cannot be modified, as it is part of the header that identifies the object.
    • If the object has extensions, attributes on extensions associated with references can be mixed with the reference attributes, and attributes on extensions associated with instances can be mixed with the instance attributes. Attributes on extensions associated with references and attributes on extensions associated with instances cannot be mixed.
    • If the attribute is not checked, the corresponding column is not displayed.
    • The applied filter is always associated to the object type displayed in the first row.

  9. To save your changes, click Commit .

    The changes are saved in the database if you are working from Search Results or a Navigation tab. If you are working from an Authoring tab, the changes are saved in session (you must use the Save command to save them in the database).

    There are four states represented by the Commit icon:

    • : the modified attributes are all valid and you can commit them
    • : some of the modifications have raised warnings, you can still commit them, but you have been warned.
    • : some of the modifications are not valid, you cannot commit them.
    • : there are no modifications to commit.

  10. To exit the sheet editor, press Escape or close the sheet editor.

    The lock status is indicated in the second column:

    • No icon: the object is not locked.
    • : the object is locked by you.
    • : the object is locked by another user.

    In an Authoring tab, if Editability is activated, Editability status is indicated in the second column instead of lock status:

    • : the object is editable
    • : the object is not editable
    • If any rows are indicated as "not editable", then you cannot commit any of the other modifications. Remove the non-editable objects from the Sheet Editor and then commit.
    • If an object that you want to modify is indicated as not editable, select the object, then select Switch to Edition in the Collaboration section of the action bar. For more details about Editability, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Managing Editability.

    • Objects modified outside the Sheet Editor, for example with Edit Properties: When objects are modified outside the Sheet Editor scope, the modification is automatically reported in the Sheet Editor panel. If the modified attribute had been previously modified in the Sheet Editor scope, this modification is kept and the attribute is seen as a modified attribute in the Sheet Editor. If you want to forget these changes in the Sheet Editor, you must refresh the row.
    • Attribute modification and Business Rules:
      • The behavior of attribute modification is the same as in Edit Properties. Each modification triggers Business Rules of save and check.
      • If the check rule fails, the commit is not available, the status column shows the icon, and the help message on the status icon explains why the rule failed.
      • If the check rule raises only warnings, the commit is available and the help message on the status icon explains why the rule raised a warning.
      • The finalization business rules are triggered when committing the values. If an error is raised by the rule, the commit is not available and the help message on the status icon explains why the rule failed.
    • Exiting the Sheet Editor without committing modifications:
      • When you close the panel with a commit icon in state , nothing is committed. If modifications are waiting to be committed, they are lost.
      • When you close the panel and with a commit button in state or , modifications are waiting to be committed. If you select Yes (commit the modifications), modifications are committed before closing the panel. If one of the objects raises a check or finalization error at this step, no modifications are committed for any of the modified objects.
    • References and Instances can be edited in the Sheet Editor.

    • Attributes of objects currently opened in Product Structure Design cannot be modified in a Sheet Editor executed from a Product Finder tab.

    • Extension attributes are displayed on the same line as the main attributes and can be edited in the Sheet Editor.

    • The object type of the object constituting the first row of the Sheet Editor is the reference. For objects of different types, only the attributes that are common with the attributes of that reference object type will be displayed.

    • As the filter is associated to the type of the object displayed in the first row, display of attributes depends on the type of this object.