Transferring Ownership Information from ENOVIAvpm to 3DEXPERIENCE

This task describes the process of transferring ownership information from ENOVIAvpm to 3DEXPERIENCE.

Ownership information is not transferred by default. You must explicitly activate it. To do this, edit the appropriate transition profile:

Note: If you do not activate this functionality, objects will be transferred indicating ownership as being that of the connected user.

Depending on the scenario, you may or may not need to map ownership attributes. For information on how to map customized attributes and customized types to 3DEXPERIENCE, see Customized Attribute and Type Mapping.

  • Scenario 1

    The user, organization and project exist in both the source and target repositories and the Ownership Business Logic is the same. In this case, ownership attribute mapping is NOT required:

    Note that the attribute mapping phase can be deactivated in this particular case. The ownership attribute values are simply copied from one site to the other.
  • Scenario 2

    The organizations and user are different in the source and target repositories. In this case, ownership attribute mapping IS required:

    Note that in this case the attribute (or attribute set) containing the ownership information in the source provider has to be mapped to the corresponding attribute (or attribute set) in the target provider.
  • Scenario 3

    The organization and project do not exist in the source repository. In this case, ownership attribute mapping IS required:

Note the following:

  • The People and Organization modeler is not transferred. P&O objects must be created before the Coexistence batch is launched.
  • Only users with all the rights on the objects (for creation, modification, etc.) can perform a transfer with P&O.
  • If you assign an object to a user whose access to the specified project is not granted, he or she will not be able to query it.
  • Maturity mapping works in the same way as attribute mapping using Business Logic (BL). In other words, you can access the protected 3DEXPERIENCE attributes owner, project and organization in BL.
  • Only basic checks are made when ownership information is transferred. The ownership rules are presumed to be known by the target repository for the given object.
  • Maturity and ownership policies are strongly related. If you transfer maturity and ownership information, this information must be valid in respect of the policy rules of the target repository.
  • For attribute mapping purposes, a sample script is provided in the runtime view in:

    {OS}\resources\samples\ TE_AttributesMapping_Sample_VPM1_V6.CATRule

  • No customer-specific integrity rules are validated during the transfer process. If the ownership Business Logic is different in the source and target repositories, the migration / coexistence process will not ensure the consistency of object ownership in line with the target rules.
  • Under no circumstances are you allowed to call any database request in the scripts corresponding to the Business Logic openings.