All Publications stored in CATParts or CATProducts are imported into 3DEXPERIENCE. Conversion of CATParts and CATProducts results in the creation of 3DEXPERIENCE ports for each Publication. Ports are instantiated under a reference. Under one reference, there cannot be two ports with the same name. In certain cases, there can be more than one representation under a single reference that would result in a Publication with the same name, for examples MyPub inside each representation. Remember that in ENOVIAvpm, documents can be revisioning exists resulting in a second representation reference, in the same version as the previous one. The two representation references can be completely different or can be the result of the import of a V5 structure where one representation is the revision of the other. To avoid a naming conflict, the name of the port is modified to ensure uniqueness when that name is already used within the reference. The resulting structure will be something like this:
The first port created keeps the V5 name, and the second is renamed, by adding an underscore symbol "_" plus an integer. This integer will be the last one used + 1. For example, MyPub_1 in this case. If there are two ports: MyPub_2and MyPub_4 and the next built name will be MyPub_5. The assigned name is stored in the mapping table. If an import is made following an update, the name will therefore not change. If the V5 document resulting in the representation reference Part1 was removed, the name of MyPub in the document resulting in representation reference Part2 would be MyPub_1 even if there were no longer any conflict. Such naming stability ensures that all links to the MyPub_1 port are maintained. |