Windows Requirements

These are the Windows-specific requirements that you must follow before installing the product.

This page discusses:

Supported Windows Platforms

Install Semantic Graph Index on a 64-bit Windows server (x86_64) server running a platform listed in the Program Directory (or in the Supported Platforms datasheet available on Airbridge for stand-alone releases).

See for Dassault Systèmes support policy.

Warning: Semantic Graph Index does not work if the OS is set up in FIPS mode, typically to conform with the US government security practices. This is because it uses MD5 as a standard hash function and not for cryptographic purposes.

Java versions

The supported Java version is Java 11 (or higher). You must install it and make it the default (JAVA_HOME).

Verify that the “java -version" and the variable JAVA_HOME point to the same Java 11 installation.

Redistributable Packages

Semantic Graph Index requires the following redistributable packages. During the installation, the setup prompts you to install the minimum required package, for example, Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package (x64).


Task Permissions
Use the Windows command line cmd.exe Administrator
Install Semantic Graph Index Administrator, and:
  • Write permissions for the installation directory.
  • Or Create permissions for the installation directory if it does not already exist.

System Settings

Make sure you have Powershell installed on the machine, and that the Environment Variables > Path variable contains its path.