About Declared Weight

Assemblies, parts or fake parts coming from a catalog or a sub-contractor, for example, have a declared weight that can be retrieved from the engineering bill of materials. Otherwise, you can declare the weight yourself using Weight Analysis.

See Also
Computing Weight
In the Knowledge Base
Weight value declared from Engineering Central

The declared weight has priority over the computed weight. So whenever the declared and the computed weight of a part are different, then the declared weight is taken into account in the weight computation of a part of a higher level in the assembly.

Important: Fake parts are defined in the engineering bill of materials by setting the VPM Visible attribute to false, and they are not visible in the tree. They are typically used to specify the weight of substances such as grease or oil. To be taken into account in the weight synthesis, fake parts must belong to an assembly (they must be under an assembly node). For more information about the engineering bill of materials, see the Engineering Team BOM User's Guide.