Generating a View in the Drafting App

Let's now generate welding symbols and information on a drawing.

  1. Right-click the root product and select Insert > Drawing.
  2. Right-click the Drawing node and select Properties.
  3. Enter DrawingWeld as the name of your drawing.
  4. Select DrawingWeld.
  5. From the View Layout section of the action bar, click Front View and select a plane on the assembly.
    The preview appears in the Drafting app.

  6. Click in the drawing to generate the front view.

  7. From the Annotation section of the action bar, click Welding Symbol View and select the weld in the drawing.
  8. Click on the sheet where you want to create the annotation.
  9. Click OK in the Welding Symbol dialog box.

  10. Perform the same operation to create a welding symbol on the second weld.

The weld annotation is created with the information specified in the weld feature. Next step: Applying a Material to the Welds