About Background Jobs

Background jobs allow users to execute various tasks and jobs in the background, while continuing to work in the foreground. For example, a large file import may take a long time to complete. When the import is run in the background, the user who initiated the job can do other work while the job processes.

These tasks are, or can be, executed as background jobs:

Task App

Importing part, material and substance information using the Importer

Materials Compliance Management

Exporting single part and multi-part details from the Part CBOM Properties page and Parts list page

Materials Compliance Management

Generating single part and multi-part reports

Materials Compliance Management

Rolling-up parts, materials and substances, including single part and multi-part rollup

Materials Compliance Management

Background derived output generation and background rename

X-CAD Design Management

Importing or exporting line items and awards

RFQ Management

Refer to the User's Guide for the specific app for information on initiating these tasks.