Defining a Structure Compare Report (Wizard)

You can only compare structures if the Structure Compare button shows in the page toolbar.

If you start creating a structure compare report and see fields for entering report criteria and empty report tabs at the bottom, see Defining a Structure Compare Report (PowerView) for instructions.

Before you begin: Open the page containing at least one of the objects you want to use in the comparison.
See Also
Generating an Object Comparison Report
  1. Select the object you want to use as the basis of comparison. If the second object also appears on the same page, select it, too.
  2. Click Structure Compare. The Structure Compare dialog box opens.

    If you selected 1 or 2 objects, the object name shows in the Object 1 and Object 2 fields.

  3. To select Object 1 or Object 2 (you do not need to keep either of the shown objects), click .
  4. In the Match Based On section, choose the fields to use to determine if a child object of Object 1 matches a child object of Object 2. You can choose 1, 2, or 3 fields. Child objects are considered the same if the values for all selected fields are the same.
  5. In the Compare By section, check each field you want to compare between matched objects.

    If you customize the Structure Browser, the Structure Compare dialog box and the resulting Structure Compare reports show the default fields, not the customized fields.

  6. Select how many levels you want to expand the structure prior to the comparison from the Expand Level list. Only expanded nodes are compared.
  7. Choose the type of report to generate (see About the Structure Compare Reports for more details):

    • Complete Summary. Shows all child objects of Object 1 and Object 2 and allows you to synchronize the structures
    • Difference Only Report. Only includes child objects that are unique to Object 1 or Object 2, or have different values for any of the Compare By fields
    • Unique to Left Report. Only includes child objects that are unique to Object 1 (shown on the left side) based on the Match Based On choices
    • Unique to Right Report. Only includes child objects that are unique to Object 2 (shown on the right side) based on the Match Based On choices
    • Common Components Report. Only includes child objects that occur for both Object 1 and Object 2

  8. Click Done. The Structure Compare Report is generated.