Running a Promote Trigger Validation Report

When you promote an object, the app verifies that all conditions for promotion have been met, such as deliverables are checked in or the required approvals have been made. If all conditions have been met, the object is promoted. If not, a message indicates why it could not be promoted.

Sometimes, other objects can affect an object's ability to be promoted. The validation report evaluates the selected object and related objects to determine if the object can be promoted, and displays a list of all issues that would prevent the object from being promoted.

Before you begin: View the lifecycle page of the object you want to promote.
  1. Click Validate in the page toolbar.

    This dialog box lists the rules you can include in the validation report and provides these details for each rule:

    Column Name Description
    Rule Description Brief description of what the rule evaluates.
    State Lifecycle state when this rule will be run (rule is not run if the object is in any other lifecycle state).
    Policy Name of the policy governing the object or related object that defines the rule.
    Affected Types Object types governed by the policy.
    Error Type Error or Warning. Errors prevent the promotion; warnings indicate an issue but do not prevent the promotion.

  2. Check the rules you want to run for this validation report.
  3. Click Next.

    The report validates the selected object and related objects. If the validation report did not include any related objects, you only see the last 3 columns.

    Column Name
    Name The name of the selected or related object.
    Type The object's type.
    State The current lifecycle state of the object.
    • Pass. This object or rule will not prevent the selected object from being promoted.
    • Fail. This object or rule prevents the selected object from being promoted.
    • Warning. The object can be promoted, but a condition exists that you should look into.
    Comments Description of why the rule passed, failed, or produced a warning.

    You can print or export this page to access the details later without needed to generate a new report.

  4. Click Close.