Customer Extensions List

You can list the customer extensions associated with a requirement, specification, specification folder, chapter, comment, test case, or use case. These customer extensions further define attributes for a requirement/specification and are available in CATIA.

This page discusses:

Columns for Customer Extensions

To access this page:

From the structure browser of a requirement or from the structure view of a specification, click the Properties category tab. Then click the Customer Extensions category tab.

Column NameDescription
NameThe name of the customer extension.
TypeThe type of the selected object, for example, requirement.
# of AttributesThe number of customer attributes associated with the customer extension.

Actions for Extensions

ActionDescriptionFor details, see:
Add ExtensionAdds an existing extension to the object.About Customer Extensions
Customer AttributesAllows you to specify the values for each customer attribute associated with the customer extension.-
Remove Removes the customer extension from the object.-