CATRule for Unique Names for Textual Instructions

Using a CATRule, you can use this to verify Business Logic (BL) to verify if you have entered a name that is unique for the WIs. The data created in Work Instructions publish and import in Manufacturing Operation Management (MoM). The duplicate names cause an error in MoM importing and then necessitate rework: modification, re-export, and routing to MoM.

The following CATRules are in ..\resources\knowledge\scripts and is a specialized kind of used to verify when using the Quick Edit dialog box the name is unique.

Executes when creating textual Instructions that display in the Textual instruction panel with their reference name.

The CATRule files specify as Business Logic (BL) that is called during an assignment. This allows you to specify the content (Label, Values, Text) of the created names in the Textual Instruction Panel.

This Business Logic calls BL-Open-Id DELWKIUniqueNameverify_BL_IDto invoke to verify the uniqueness of name.

  • When the out_IsNameUnique parameter of BL is FALSE then a blocking message stating the nonuniqueness of name displays and prevents the closing of the Quick-Edit dialog box.

    You are also shown a warning yellow message as soon as you lose focus from the name-edit and selects another control in the Quick Edit dialog.


A complete example file is available in ..\resources\knowledge\scripts\DELWKIUniqueNameCheck.CATRuleExit.

   <Script OpeningID="DELWKIUniqueNameCheck_BL_ID"         Type="DELWkiInstructionInstance"                 ScriptName="DELWKIUniqueNameCheck" />
   <Script OpeningID="DELWKIUniqueNameCheck_BL_ID"         Type="DELWkiDataCollectInstance"                 ScriptName="DELWKIUniqueNameCheck" />
   <Script OpeningID="DELWKIUniqueNameCheck_BL_ID"         Type="DELWkiAlertInstance"                       ScriptName="DELWKIUniqueNameCheck" />
   <Script OpeningID="DELWKIUniqueNameCheck_BL_ID"         Type="DELWkiSignOffInstance"                     ScriptName="DELWKIUniqueNameCheck" />
   <Script OpeningID="DELWKIUniqueNameCheck_BL_ID"         Type="DELWkiDataCollectPlanInstance"             ScriptName="DELWKIUniqueNameCheck" />