Management of Resource Subelements in Views

This allows different sub elements of an implementing Resource to have different positions with respect to each in the Views. Allowing the subelements to have different positions in different Views of the Operation.

In the example, all of the displayed geometry belongs to one implementing Resource. Create two views for the Operation. In the 1st View, a sub element of the Resource needs to be placed in an open position. In the 2nd View, the same Subelement needs to be placed in a closed position.

Accomplish this through a combination of functional enhancements and customer workflow changes.

  • Customer Workflow Change

    If a particular Subelement of an implementing Resource needs to be positioned differently in Views with respect to other subelements of the implementing Resource. Assign that Subelement to the operation.

    • To assign a subelement of a Resource to an Operation, declare the subelement as a Resource type. This can be done (if required) through the Generate a Resource in Plant Layout Design.
    • Assign any number of subelements at any level to the Operation. In the example below, the subelements Ladder and Jig 2 need to be positioned in Views. So they assign to the Operation.

  • Functional Enhancements

    In the app, the assigned subelements are individually selectable in the 3D geometry window and in the Item & Resource panel.

    You can then define graphic overloads (position, color, transparency, and visibility) on the individual assigned subelements. Creating multiple views with different overloads (example, different positions) for the same subelement.

  • Example Case

    In this example case, there are three distinct pieces of geometry that can be manipulated (overload creation) by you

    • Geometry corresponding to Ladder.
    • Geometry corresponding to Jig 2
    • Geometry corresponding to Jig 1 and Jig 3.