Publish Content Dialog Box

You can publish the authored content without switching apps, example, without having to switch to Workplan Publication app.The published content can then be viewed (reviewed) in the 3DWorkbook (web) app.

Options in the Preferences, Publication, Publication for Review, allow the administrator to compose the maturity at which Publish is done and the Publish content mode.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:


Workplan / System
This displays the Workplan or the System.
Displays the Revision.
Displays the maturity.

If executing and the maturity of the Workplan / System does not match the maturity specified in the Preferences, then a close panel showing the current maturity displays and it terminates.

By default, IN_WORK

Displays the Status.

If the command executes and there already exists a previously published content, then this information reflects in the panel stating Status: Data previously published on 2021/01/01 18:16:56, Update existing published content?

Similarly, after the (re)publish is done, the confirmation message indicates that data is updated.

Publish Content

Choose to publish with any of the following modes:

3D Views only
The 3D Buildup box is automatically selected when 3D Views option is selected. You are unable to clear this option.
2D Views
Select to create 2D Views.
2D Views with 3D Buildup
Select to create 2D views with a 3D buildup.