You can use a mini 3D viewer, Orientation Viewer (OV) to display a user specified
lightweight Visual Representation, CATIA Graphical Representation (.CGR). This helps you to
visualize and understand and relate the orientation of the context (views) to, example, an
Aircraft orientation.
All the industrial customers (Automotive industry, Ship-building industry, and, others) to
visualize and understand the related the orientation of the context to their greater
context/complete context.
Click Play to watch the video:
Right click in the 3D geometry window and select
Display, App OptionsDisplay Graphic Orientation Viewer (ON).
The Orientation Viewer appears.
The Orientation Viewer
displays the lightweight visual-representation that is specified in Preferences> Display > Visual Representation for Orientation Viewer. You can
use your required representation file by specifying it in this preference.
OV is not sensitive to zoom or pan managed in 3D View. It is
only sensitive to viewpoint change in the main 3D window.
Rotating the viewpoint, the OV adjusts accordingly to match the
rotated orientation.
Changing the viewpoint (zoom, rotation), the OV ignores the
zoom, but adjusts accordingly to match the rotated orientation.
Create a new View.
The OV remains visible. OV visibility is
based only on the App Options. You can turn this off using the Display Graphic Orientation Viewer (OFF).
Applying a view, with OV this updates to match the orientation
of the applied View, ignoring the zoom.
Minimized by selecting the — on the upper right of the panel, or
close by selecting the X on the upper right of the pane. You can
always show OV by turning on from the App Options again.
Position and Size of the OV:
Information about the position and size is stored in the user settings.
OV can be resized and / or repositioned in the main
Changes are captured in the current-session. This is reflected when you open the
PPR-data in the next session.
The OV Size and Position
remains the same for the session unless changed, it is not linked to a specific