Displaying the Linear/Angular Ruler When Moving Objects

You can display a Linear / Angular Ruler when Mfg Items / Resources move inside Views using the defaultCompass/Robot.

Before you begin: Activate the view mode.
  1. Right-click the compass and select Snap Automatically to Selected Object.

    The selected object can then be moved by dragging / rotating the Compass. You can also move / rotate the selected object by a specified amount by using the Edit option.

  2. From the 3D window or the Item & Resource panel, select the object.
    The Compass automatically snaps to the selected object.
  3. Drag or rotate the selected object.
    The standard Ruler displays:
    • In case of drag, the Linear Ruler displays.

    • In case of rotate, the Angular Ruler displays

    The value on the standard Ruler automatically updates as you drag / rotate.

    You can use the value editor to move / rotate by a specific value.

    Similar to all other move interactions, the moved / rotated position persists inside a View when you update the View, or creates a new view.