About Design Assistance for Mates

Design Assistance for Mates is a tool that quickly duplicates revolute mates to multiple locations that have similar surrounding characteristics.

See Also
Suggest Similar Mates

The Design Assistance for Mates tool analyzes the model to find similar topology on to which the mate can be applied. The algorithm takes the topology into account and displays where the selected mate can also be applied in the model. The Design Assistance for Mates is automatically displayed in a context toolbar after the creation of the revolute mate.

Note: Revolute mates provide a connection between two nodes where the rotations are constrained about two local directions and free about a shared axis.

Design Assistance for Mates Sample

This example shows Design Assistance for Mates appearing after the mate is selected in the model (in this case the screw) and suggests other locations where you might want additional screws. Although there are other holes, they might not be of the same size, orientation, or attached to the same component.

When the suggestions are displayed, you can add or remove suggested mates by clicking the yellow suggested indicator to remove that mate.

To add the mated screw to other components, select a hole on another component. When the hole is selected on the additional component, mate suggestions appear on that component.

In the example, the suggested mates have a yellow ring with a center dot.

Click the suggested mate and the center dot disappears, indicating that the suggestion is removed.