- Select Chain
- Projects an entire chain of a selected item in an
inactive sketch on to the active sketch. The command
appears while selecting items for converting entities
and creating projection curves.
Select Other
- Displays a list of edges, faces, parts, and other objects in the Select
Other dialog box. As you move the
pointer over the list, the objects highlight in the 3D area. You can select one element on the list.
The list only includes objects that are
close to the pointer.
- When in Touch mode, click Accept
to select the highlighted object in the list.
Fix Component
- Identifies components that are held in position by a
fixed constraint. Once a component is
Fixed, click Float
to move the component freely.
- Deletes the selected feature.
Chain Selection
- Selects objects that are looped to the current selection
in a sketch. If a line is selected, select chain selects
all the lines connected in the chain.
- Duplicates the sketch objects, geometry, or components
that are selected in the tree or work area. The duplicated items are inserted at an offset to
the original and can be relocated.
Tangent Selection / Deselection
- Selects objects that are tangent to the current selection. You can also deselect the
already selected tangent objects.
Loop Selection
- Selects objects that are looped to the current selection. If a face is selected,
select edge loop to select the edges around the face. If
a laminar edge is selected, select open loop to select
the edges around the surface body opening.
Reorder Components
- Reorder and move components in the design manager
Convert Sketch Entity
- Converts the inactive sketch from the design manager
tree to the active sketch.
Make Body
- You can copy a body from one set to the other. You can create a new set to copy the
body or copy to an existing set. Name the new set in the
New set name field. Select
the existing set from the list. Activate the component
before using Make Body in to copy
the body into that component.
- Isolates the selected component, temporary hiding the other components during the use
of this command. Exiting isolation mode, restores the
previous states of the other components.
- When a component has been isolated, Exit
appears next to the triad. Click Exit
Isolate to exit the
Isolate command.
Highlight Components
- Highlights the mated components. Click a mate the tree and select Highlight
in the context toolbar. The mated components are highlighted in the tree and in the 3D area.
- Click anywhere in the 3D area and exit the command.
Global Refresh
- Updates your component with the latest external changes
from other users.
- Incorporates the latest changes to the current
- Reopen the latest saved version of the current component.
- Opens an existing component.
- Edits the selected component.
- Copy
- Copies all the sketch entities into clipboard from the
design tree.
- Paste
- Pastes the copied entities on the selected plane or
planar face.
Form Subassembly
- Forms a subassembly in the Design
Manager that includes the selected
components. The selected components belong to the same
tree level.
- Dissolves the components of the selected subassembly or only the features or both the
features and components of the sub-assembly in the
Design Manager. The components/ features under the
dissolved subassembly are added to the root level in the
Design Manager. The root component cannot be
Replace Component
- Replaces an existing component with a new component, new
revision, or new configuration.
Copy With Mates
- Copies a component in an assembly and includes its
Physical Component Locked
- Informs you if the physical component is locked by another user. After making a
component you need to save it, the locked state changes
after saving it. Use the following commands associated
with locking the physical component:
Component Geometry Locked
- Informs you if the component geometry is locked by another user. After making a
component you need to save it, the locked state changes
after saving it. Use the following commands associated
with lockin the geometry of a physical product:
Invert Selection
- You can invert the existing selection of sub-assemblies
and related components. When you select a sub-assembly
and its components, the sub-assembly gets the
preference. The inverted selection contains the
unselected components of the sub-assembly.
- Properties
- Displays the properties applied to the component.
- Design Assistance
- Suggests locations where the selected entity can be
duplicated in the model.
- Flexible Subassembly
- Makes a subassembly under the parent assembly