About 3D Contacts

3D Contact lets you define mechanical contacts between two or more bodies included in a mechanism.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating 3D Contacts

You can select two bodies or two groups of bodies to detect kinematics contact between them.

Note: Only the geometries of the selected products associated with a volume are taken into account during the contact detection. Surfaces, curves, and points are not considered.

Initial State Conditions

During a kinematics contact between bodies, the bodies are blocked or pushed along the degrees of freedom allowed by the joint constraints. No energy or force is applied on the bodies: a rigid body cannot move if it is not pushed by another body.

The contact between bodies is considered as rigid and nonpenetrating, and not as elastic.

To define a kinematics contact between bodies, the following initial state conditions must be respected:

  • The bodies can be in contact, but they cannot clash.
  • The constraints, drivers, and motors defined in the mechanism are satisfied and are not interfering with one another.
If one of the initial state conditions is not respected, the preview of the mechanism motion cannot be launched. For more information, see Previewing the Motion of Mechanisms.

Mesh Properties

The mesh density corresponds to the number of triangles located on the surface of the product associated with the contacting body. It depends on the size of the bounding box of the product.

The mesh density can be coarse (value of 0), or fine (value of 100). By default, the value is 35.

You can adjust the mesh density of the body surfaces. Increasing the mesh density results in a finer mesh, which usually yields more accurate analysis results. However, with a finer mesh, the analysis takes longer to run.