3DDrive (referencing a 3DDrive folder accessible from
a 3DEXPERIENCE platform.)Note:
- If you select 3DDrive as a data source when you add
a distribution, you can upload or download a file.
- The data source will refer to the connected user drive (3DDrive personal
- If you delete datasets pointing files in 3DDrive, the files are not
deleted in 3DDrive.
- Access rights performed in Datasets Governance do not apply to 3DDrive
which has its own access right management.
- Path: the path of the 3DDrive folder
- Described by: dataset descriptor
- FTP endpoint properties
- User Name: the name of the user that has permission to access the FTP
- FTP URL: the URl of the FTP server
- FTP repository properties
- Path: path of the folder in the FTP server
- Described by: dataset descriptor
Web Access |
- Web access endpoint properties
- Download URL
- Upload URL