Standard: Implement Relations Based on Data in Session

The Standard: Implement Relations Based on Data in Session B.I. reveals information about implemented and implementing relations in the selected object.

This page discusses:

Color Code

When the Standard: Implement Relations Based on Data in Session B.I. is selected, the following colors are applied to the objects in the tree and in the 3D:

ColorSignification Description
Implements (in session) The selected object implements another one in the session.

Implements via children (in session)The selected object has at least one child implementing another object in the session.
Is implemented (in session) The selected object is implemented by an object present in the session.

Is implemented via children (in session)The selected object has at least one child implemented by another object in the session.

Implements and is implemented (in session) The selected object implements and is implemented in the session.
Implements and is implemented via childrenThe selected object has children that implement an object or that are implemented.
No relationThe selected object is not implemented and does not implement any entity in the session.


When the Standard: Implement Relations Based on Data in Session B.I. is selected and you select an object in the 3D, a label is displayed to indicate:

  • If no implement relation exists in the selected object (a 'No implement relation in session' message appears).
  • If at least one implement relation exists in the selected object (with the number and names of entities implemented by/implementing the object).

Note: In the labels, implement links are listed in the following order:
  • First, Implement links are sorted by context, in this order:
    • Reference to reference
    • Current context
    • Subcontext.
    Note: In the image below, the different contexts for F2 (F2.1) are indicated: reference to reference (green frame), current context (red frame), subcontext (black frame), other context (blue frame).

  • Within these contexts, implement links are sorted by type of object, in the following order:
    • Requirements
    • Functions
    • Flows
    • Logical components
    • System types
    • Physical components.
  • Within these types of objects, implement links are sorted by implement type:
    • Implemented objects,
    • Implementing object.