Image from FTA Capture Status

The Image from FTA Capture Status B.I. tells you when FTA capture images are not up to date, uploaded, or can not find the captures.

When the Image from FTA Capture Status B.I. is selected, the following colors are applied to the objects in the Operations Sequence and the Dressup panel in the Work Instructions app:

Color Signification Description

(For Operation) All of the FTA Capture Images are up to date All of the FTA captures are up to date.

(For Operation) Some of the FTA Capture Images need to be updated Not all of the documents are up to date; manual update is needed.

(For Operation) Source FTA Captures not found Can not find the captures.

(For Operation) No FTA Capture Images are associated No action is required.

(For FTA Capture Image) Image is up to dateA specific image is up to date

(For FTA Capture Image) Image needs to be updated.A specific image is not up to date.

(For FTA Capture Image) Source FTA Capture not found Can not find the captures.