Manufactured Items Assignment Status

The Manufactured Items Assignment Status B.I. reveals information about the assignment of manufactured items to systems.

When the Manufactured Item Assignments Status B.I. is selected, colored squares appear next to manufactured item nodes in the tree.

Color Signification Description

Fully assigned Manufactured Items In some cases, a Manufacturing Assembly can be assigned as both a Provided Part and a Manufacturing Assembly. A fully assigned manufactured item reflects a state where, for example, a Manufacturing Assembly (with a scope) is already assigned as both a Provided Part and a Manufacturing Assembly in the current system.

Assignable Manufactured Items. Manufactured items that are not yet assigned, but which can be assigned (taking into account assignment rules and System-Manufactured item scope).

Assigned Manufactured Items Manufactured items that are assigned in the current system.

Assigned more than once Manufactured Items Manufactured items that are realized by at least two operations. For example, if manufactured items are realized by operations in different configurations.

Non-assignable Manufactured ItemsManufactured items that cannot be assigned because this would lead to a violation of assignment or scope encapsulation rules.

Half-assigned Manufactured ItemsIn some cases, a Manufacturing Assembly can be assigned as a Provided Part and a Manufacturing Assembly. A half-assigned manufactured item reflects a state where, for example, a Manufacturing Assembly is already assigned as a Manufacturing Assembly and is still assignable as a Provided Part in the current system.
Notes: The color code depends on:
  • The assignment status of the manufactured item.
  • The visibility of the manufactured item from a system: a manufactured item is visible from the system if it can be realized by an operation of the system. The visibility can be delimited by a scope.
  • Possible alternatives to the assignment in the case of a Manufacturing Assembly with a scope.