Resources Utilization

The Resources Utilization B.I. reveals the percentage utilization of working resources.

When the Resources Utilization B.I. is selected, the following colors are applied to tree nodes for working resources.

Color Signification Description

> 100 Working resource utilization is greater than the maximum value (100%, by default).

> 90 <= 100Working resource utilization is within an upper intermediate range (greater than 90% and less than or equal to 100%, by default).

> 75 <= 90Working resource utilization is within a lower intermediate range (greater than 75% and less than or equal to 90%, by default).

<= 75 Working resource utilization is less than the minimum value (less than or equal to 75%, by default).
Note: Colors, maximum value, minimum value, and intermediate ranges can be customized using Me > Preferences > Manufacturing Planning.