Concurrent Engineering Status

The Applicative: Concurrent Engineering Status B.I. reveals information about the concurrent engineering status of the selected object.

This page discusses:

Color Code

When the Applicative: Concurrent Engineering Status B.I. is selected, the following colors are applied to the objects in the tree and in the 3D area:

Color Signification Description

No persistent change There is no change in the database for the selected object.

Persistent change in database The selected object is modified in the database.

Conflicting modifications There are conflicting changes made to the object in the database and in session.

Persistent removal in database The object and its children are removed from the database.

Not available in current Credential The object has no read access in the current security context.

Example: Objects are loaded in session, but you switch to another collaborative space where these objects do not have read access (the read access is defined in the access rules). In this case, these loaded objects are no more displayed.

Structure modification The selected object contains a child that is modified or deleted.
Note: The Structure modification status does not take into account any added component that may be loaded in case of reopen.
Note: The Persistent removal by other use and Structure modification status are displayed if the convenient options are selected in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Architecture > General. By default, these options are selected. For more information, see Native Apps Preferences Guide.


When the Applicative: Concurrent Engineering Status B.I. is activated and you select an object in the 3D area, a label is displayed that contains detail information.