Minor Revision Management

The Minor Revision Management B.I. reveals information about minor revision management.

This page discusses:

Color Code

When the Minor Revision Management B.I. is selected, the following colors are applied to the objects in the tree and in the work area:

Color Signification Description

Best so far and latest minor Refers to the Best So Far and latest minor revision where the loaded minor revision is the latest created and last published.

Best so far Refers to the Best So Far (implicitly not the latest) revision where the loaded minor revision is published but there is a later one currently in progress.

Latest minor Refers to the latest  revision where the loaded minor revision is not published.

Others Refers to the other revisions where the loaded minor is neither published nor the latest one.

Unique minor Refers to the unique minor revision where only one minor revision is defined for the major revision.


When the Minor Revision Management B.I. is selected and you select an object in the work area, a label is displayed that contains detail information.