Procure the media for your operating system, and prepare to
install the software as explained in the
DS Installer Guide.
The name of the installation media is:
on Windows
on Linux
Untar/unzip the media to create the following directory:
on Windows
on Linux
Change to the distribution directory.
The directory is:
- 3DComment.Windows64\1 on Windows
- 3DComment.Linux64/1 on Linux
then start the installation as follows:
- Windows: double-click
setup.exe for the GUI mode or use
StartTUI.exe for the TUI mode
- Linux:
./StartGUI.sh for the GUI, or
The installation procedure then starts:

The dialog boxes are the same on both Windows and Linux.
Click Next.
Specify the installation directory.

The default values are::
on Windows (remove any spaces
before you confirm)
on Linux.
The installation path cannot contain any space characters.
If you accept the default destination folder, click the
Next button to move to the next step, or
click the
Browse... button and select the desired
destination folder. The folder you choose must be empty. You can also specify a
new folder.
Click Next.
Specify if you want to install embedded Java.

A JDK is required to install the service.
The This install is for Testing or Demonstration purposes only (it uses an
embedded JDK) check box is not selected by default.
If you select the check box, the embedded JDK will be installed in:
on Windows
on Linux.
Choosing embedded Java automatically implies also choosing
embedded TomEE+.
Click Next.
If you did not check the This install is for Testing or
Demonstration purposes only (it uses an embedded JDK) check box,
you must specify the Java Home path.

This is the location of your Java Development Kit (JDK) location.
On Windows, the Java location will be automatically detected.
If you use a local Certificate Authority, register your certificates in this
Java store using the keytool
Click Next.
Specify the paths:

Click Next.
Specify the previously configured, dedicated URL endpoints for the
Do not use uppercase characters in the URLs (standard form specified in

Before you do so, check the following:
- the URLs must contain Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN)
- the URLs must start with
(and not ftp or other); note that all
URLs are
except Full Text Search
- 3DPassport,
must have a root URI if you install all the services on the same machine
- 3DCompass
must have a root URI.
Sample URLs (if the services are installed on different machines)
- 3DPassport
service URL: the default is:
- 3DDashboard
service URL: the default is:
- 3DCompass
service URL: the default is:
- 3DComment
service URL: the default is:
- 3DNotification
service URL: the default is:
The license control service URL (default is:
) will only appear if
DSLicSrv.txt file is not present in
(Windows) or
/var/DassaultSystemes/Licenses (Linux). The
DSLicSrv.txt file will then be created in the
correct location, and will contain, for example:
. The user performing the
installation must have write access to the directory containing the file.
Click Next.
If you decided not to install embedded Java earlier, you will be
prompted to specify whether you want to install the TomEE+ application server
or not.

An application server is required to install the service.
Check the This install is for Testing or Demonstration purposes only (it uses an
embedded TomEE+) option if you want to install the TomEE +
application server integrated in the media. It will be installed in:
- <3DCommentInstallPath>\win_b64\code\tomee
on Windows
- <3DCommentInstallPath>/linux_a64/code/tomee
on Linux
On Windows, the 3DEXPERIENCE
3DComment TomEE+ service is created and started.
To start and stop embedded TomEE+ on Linux, launch:
Click Next.
If you decided to install the embedded TomEE+, specify the TomEE+ connection
port number.

Choose a listening port number for TomEE to listen for HTTP requests. The default is 8080.
The next available port will be used for shutdown.
If the port 8080 is busy, the installer will display the next available free
port. If you specify a custom port value, the installer will check if it is
available when you click Next.
An information box containing the following message appears:
Chosen Apache TomEE+ connection port 8090
Automatically fixed TomEE+ shutdown port 8091 (first free following port)
Click OK.
If you decided to use external TomEE+, specify the path of your existing TomEE+

Click Next.
If you are using embedded Java, specify the certificate location.

This directory contains the certificates to import into the JVM
used by TomEE.
The default is:
on Windows
on Linux.
If you leave the path empty, you can import the certificates manually later as a
post-installation step. For more information see Installation and
Setup: Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Reconfiguring the 3DEXPERIENCE
Platform Installation.
Click Next.
Select the database type you are using and specify
the database connection parameters.

On both Windows and Linux, you can choose between Oracle and SQL
On Windows and Linux, if you selected SQL Server, enter
the SQL Server connection parameters:

- SQL Server Server Name: Host[\Instance][:Port]
- SQL Server database hostname. The default is
- SQL Server Database name for
- Database schema name you must already have created as explained in Create Databases and Database Users. The
default is
. It should be empty in
the case of a fresh install from scratch.
- Database administrator user name
- Database administrator user name. The default is
. You must
have created this user already with the appropriate permissions
to the above database schema, as explained in Create Databases and Database Users.
- Database administrator user password
- Database administrator user password.
- Database user name for
- Database user name which you created already as explained in Create Databases and Database Users. The
default is
- Database user password for
- Database user password.
If you are using Oracle, specify the database connection

Specify the directory containing
tnsnames.ora and the
Net service name
OR only the full service URL
- The directory of tnsnames.ora
- Specify the
tnsnames.ora path. It is usually located
We recommend that you use the
tnsnames.ora file method for
specifying database name details.
- Net Service Name (with tnsnames.ora) or
The default is
- Database connection user name for
- Database user name which you created already as explained in Create Databases and Database Users. The
default is
- Database connection user password for
- Database user password.
Click Next.
Select the Use as batch server check box for one and
only one 3DComment instance.

Click Next.
Review your installation choices, then click the Install
button to install the files.

You can consult the installation logs here:
- <3DCommentInstallPath>\InstallData\log on
- <3DCommentInstallPath>/InstallData/log on
Installation log files are prefixed by the installation media name.
You should also consider the following logs for debugging or analyzing:
- embedded TomEE log directory:
on Windows
on Linux
- external Apache TomEE default log directory:
<externalTomEEInstallPath>\logs on
<externalTomEEInstallPath>/logs on Linux.
On Windows, the 3DEXPERIENCE
3DComment TomEE service is created and started if you chose the embedded TomEE.