Upgrading 3DComment

This section describes how to upgrade from a previous release.

Note: You must follow the migration process, even if you are upgrading from an existing Oracle database to another Oracle database.

If you are in a load balanced environment, perform the upgrade only on the instance where the batch service is configured.

For the other instances, run a regular installation.

This task shows you how to:

Migrating Comment, Like and Report Abuse Data from 3DSwym to 3DComment

This section describes how to migrate comments and similar data from a previous 3DSwym installation to a new 3DComment installation.

3DComment is a service dedicated for hosting comments, like and report abuses data. Prior to 3DEXPERIENCE R2017x, those data were stored in 3DSwym service.

When migrating from 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x with 3DSwym installed, comment, like and report abuse data must be migrated from the previous 3DSwym installation to the new 3DComment installation.

If you upgrade from 3DEXPERIENCE R2014x, R2015x or R2016x, you must first upgrade the 3DSwym installation to 3DEXPERIENCE R2016x FP.1621 or a higher FP.

Then, the installation must be upgraded again to an intermediate level and the new 3DComment service must be installed at that time, before R2022x (the R2019x FP.2005 or a higher FP is recommended for this step).

  1. Install R2019x FP.2005 or higher FP of 3DComment on a single instance (the instance that is used as the Batch server).

    Note: Do not install in several parallel 3DComment instances.

    Data located in the shared folder and databases should not be deleted.

  2. During the installation, specify the 3DComment shared folder and database.

    The values must be different from the values used in the 3DSwym installation.

    1. Specify the parameters of the previous database.
    2. Specify the previous shared data directory.
  3. Complete the installation and perform the required post-installation tasks.
  4. If migrating from a MySQL 3DSwym, copy MySQL driver JAR into the TomEE+ lib path.
  5. Create an application.properties file in the <sharedDirectory>/config directory.
    1. Add the following lines:

      • If you migrate from MySQL:
      • If you migrate from Oracle:
        #Or if using tnsnames.ora: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<service_name>

      When you specify paths in the application.properties file, escape the backslash (\) character. For example: batch.migration.media.rootPath=\\\\machineName\\shared_directory\\media.

    2. Replace the following by the values used for the R2016x FP.1621 (or higher) 3DSwym Social Database to be migrated:

      Value Description
      <host> database host
      <port> port of the database
      <schema> database schema
      <service_name> service name
      <dbusername> database user name
      <dbuserpassword> database user password
      <legacySharedDirectory> shared directory name

  6. Configure and launch TomEE+ with JMX enabled.

    On Linux, or on Windows when not running TomEE+ as a Windows service:

    Examples of command-line options to be added in setenv.sh|.bat:

    -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=<jmxPort> -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.local.only=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false

    where <jmxPort> is an available port.

    On Windows, when running TomEE+ as a Windows service:

    1. Make a copy of the <installPath>\<os>\code\command\VENApacheTomEE_createService.bat file and modify this copy by adding the following line (where <jmxPort> is an available port):
      set JAVA_OPTIONS_PARAM=%JAVA_OPTIONS_PARAM%;-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote;-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=<jmxPort>;-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.local.only=false;-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false;-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false


      rem ++JvmOptions
      set JAVA_OPTIONS_PARAM=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    2. Run this copy in order to unregister and register again the Windows service with JMX enablement parameters.

  7. Make sure that the following prerequisites components are up and running:

    • reverse proxy and load balancer
    • 3DPassport
    • the single TomEE+ instance for 3DComment Server, with JMX enabled

  8. Run the upgrade command:

    <installPath>/<os>/code/command/migrateFromR2016x.(sh|.bat) -jmxPort <jmxPort>

    You can follow the migration progression in the console.

  9. After the migration has succeeded:
    1. Delete the properties file because it stores the passwords in plain text.
    2. Delete the MySQL driver JAR file.
  10. Uninstall or stop all running processes.
  11. Upgrade the prerequisites for 3DComment R2022x.
  12. Whether you are upgrading to a GA or FP level, upgrade only one of the 3DComment servers, the instance that is used as the Batch server.
  13. Upgrade and start the remaining 3DComment servers

Upgrade 3DComment from R2017x and higher to Current Release

Whether you are upgrading to a GA level or a FP (fix pack) level, 3DComment must be upgraded in the following order

Note: The installation must have been upgraded to R2017x FP.1729 (or higher) as 3DComment server components had limited capabilities at the beginning of the R2017x release.

  1. Uninstall or stop all running processes.

    Data located in the shared folder and databases should not be deleted.

  2. Upgrade the prerequisites for 3DComment R2022x.
  3. Whether you are upgrading to a GA or FP level, first of all, upgrade only one of the 3DComment servers: the instance that is used as the Batch server.
  4. Upgrade and start the remaining 3DComment servers.