Configuring the Reverse Proxy

This section explains how to configure the reverse proxy for 3DDashboard by customizing the Apache httpd.conf file.

  1. Edit the Apache httpd.conf file.
  2. Set the listen tag to the correct port number for the service, for example: Listen 443
  3. Activate the modules required for the service. See the Program Directory for the list of modules.
  4. Customize the <VirtualHost> tag.

    First, customize the reverse proxy server name and server alias, for example:

    ServerName myserver
    ServerAlias myserver

    Then, activate SSL:

    SSLEngine on
    SSLProxyEngine On

    Then, specify the SSL certificates definition, for example:

    SSLCertificateFile "pathtoyourcertificate\myserver.cer"
    SSLCertificateKeyFile "pathtoyourcertificate\myserver.key"

    Add the following line to declare the reverse proxy configuration generated by the service installation:

    Include <3DDashboardInstallPath>\win_b64\templates\3DDashboard_httpd_fragment.conf (Windows)
    Include <3DDashboardInstallPath>/linux_a64/templates/3DDashboard_httpd_fragment.conf (Linux)

    because the service installation creates the following file:

    <3DDashboardInstallPath>\win_b64\templates\3DDashboard_httpd_fragment.conf (Windows)
    <3DDashboardInstallPath>/linux_a64/templates/3DDashboard_httpd_fragment.conf (Linux)

    and the file already contains the necessary declarations for the reverse proxy.