
This section describes miscellaneous 3DDashboard operations.

This task shows you how to:

Redeploy 3DDashboard Service

You can follow these steps when if required.

  1. Through SSH, go to the TomEE+ instance installation path where the 3DDashboard service is deployed.

    Note: Depending on your shutdown/startup script, you must be logged as root or as the applicative user dedicated for 3DDashboard products.

  2. Stop TomEE+.
    • For embedded TomEE+:
      • Stop the 3DEXPERIENCE R2022x 3DDashboard TomEE+ service on Windows
      • Run: <3DDashboardInstallPath>/linux_a64/code/tomee/bin/shutdown.sh -force on Linux.
    • For external TomEE+, run:
      • <externalTomEEInstallPath>\bin\shutdown.bat on Windows
      • <externalTomEEInstallPath>/bin/shutdown.sh -force on Linux
  3. If the shutdown fails, kill the java process running this TomEE+ instance.
  4. Delete recursively the subdirectory .\webapps\3ddashboard/ on Windows or ./webapps/3ddashboard/ on Linux.
  5. Restart TomEE+.
    • For embedded TomEE+:
      • Restart the 3DEXPERIENCE R2022x 3DDashboard TomEE+ service on Windows
      • Run: <3DDashboardInstallPath>/linux_a64/code/tomee/bin/startup.sh on Linux.
    • For external TomEE+, run:
      • <externalTomEEInstallPath>\bin\startup.bat on Windows
      • <externalTomEEInstallPath>/bin/startup.sh on Linux

    The subdirectory .\webapps\3ddashboard\ on Windows or ./webapps/3ddashboard/ on Linux should be recreated automatically.

Configure external TomEE+ Windows Service

External TomEE+ on Windows as a service needs additional configuration:

Edit the TomEE+ windows service settings by running the following command (with Administrator rights):

<3DDashboardInstallPath>\win_b64\code\command\ExternalTomEE_updateService.bat <TomEEServiceName>

This command line updates the external TomEE+ service registry.

  • Executing this command-line several times would create duplicate setting entries in the registry.
  • The external TomEE+ service registry is not cleaned when uninstalling the 3DDashboard application.
  • See the TomEE+ Windows service documentation pages for editing and cleaning the service settings stored at the following locations in the Windows Registry:

    • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\<TomEEServiceName>\Parameters
    • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\<TomEEServiceName>\Parameters\Java

Connect 3DDashboard to the Internet

3DEXPERIENCE platformApps such as FeedReader App require the 3DDashboard backend to perform requests to external services such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

  1. Allow 3DDashboard backend to connect transparently to the internet to retrieve feed or external service information and data.
  2. Add the following rules to your proxy:
    1. Allow a route from the 3DDashboard machine to your proxy.
    2. Allow unauthenticated requests coming from 3DDashboard machine.
    All requests to customer resources and internet resources (if allowed) are routed through your proxy that will redirect and authorize the traffic.
  3. Add a transparent proxy on the 3DDashboard machine.
    1. If you want internet access from the 3DDashboard, create a system user referred to as ${APP_USER}.
    2. Launch the 3DDashboard TomEE using ${APP_USER}.
    3. On Linux, for example, use iptables. Add the following iptables rules for transparent proxy:

      • iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d "" -p tcp -m owner --uid-owner "${APP_USER}" -j ACCEPT: allows localhost requests
      • iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d ${CIDR} -p tcp -m owner --uid-owner "${APP_USER}" -j ACCEPT: allows requests to the CIDR destination to bypass the client proxy
      • iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m owner --uid-owner "${APP_USER}" -j DNAT --to-destination ${PROXY_CLIENT}: redirects requests to the proxy client.

    4. Save the iptables rules using the command: service iptables save.where:

      • ${CIDR}: CIDR of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform machines (allows requests from 3DDashboard to 3DEXPERIENCE platform machines to bypass the client proxy.)
      • ${APP_USER}: User used to run 3DDashboard TomEE.
      • ${PROXY_CLIENT}: Client proxy.

      Note: On Windows, use a suitable Windows firewall.

Set the Reverse Proxy Settings for the Untrusted Domain

  1. Install the Apache reverse proxy on the machine that is configured as untrusted domain for3DDashboard.
  2. Copy 3DDashboard_httpd_fragment.conf from 3DDashboard install location to the new machine, for example: C:\DassaultSystemes\ (Windows) or /usr/DassaultSystemes (Linux)
  3. Configure the reverse proxy.
    1. Edit the Apache httpd.conf file.
    2. Set the listen tag to the correct port number for the service, for example: Listen 443.

      Use the same port number as 3DDashboard service.

    3. Activate the modules required for the service.

      See the Program Directory for the list of modules.

    4. Customize the <VirtualHost> tag.

      • Customize the reverse proxy server name and server alias, for example:

        ServerName myserver

        ServerAlias myserver

      • Activate SSL:

        • SSLEngine on
        • SSLProxyEngine On
      • Specify the SSL certificates definition, for example:
        • SSLCertificateFile "pathtoyourcertificate\myserver.cer"
        • SSLCertificateKeyFile "pathtoyourcertificate\myserver.key"
      • Add the following line to declare the reverse proxy configuration generated by the service installation:
        • Include C:\DassaultSystemes\3DDashboard_httpd_fragment.conf on Windows
        • Include /usr/DassaultSystemes/3DDashboard_httpd_fragment.conf on Linux

Change Installation Parameters

You may need to change parameters defined during the latest 3DDashboard installation.

Using the reconfiguration tool, you can modify the installation parameters without reinstalling the whole service.

For more information, see .Installation and Setup: Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Reconfiguring the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Installation

Configure the 3DEXPERIENCE platform with a single FQDN

To install the 3DEXPERIENCE platform with a single FQDN, you must have one cookie name per service to handle session affinity, and avoid getting some service cookies overridden by other cookies. In that case, you need to update the configuration after the 3DDashboard service installation, to send the cookie name to the shared configuration.

  1. Edit uwp-config.properties file

    For Linux , go to <3DDashboardInstallPath>/linux_a64/uwp-config.properties

    For Windows, go to <3DDashboardnstallPath>\win_b64\uwp-config.properties

  2. Add these 2 properties

    uwp.cas.serverIdCookieName = 3DDASHBOARDSERVERID

    uwp.cas.serverIdParamName = 3ddashboardserverid

  3. Start and Stop the external / embedded TomEE+ as described in Operations.

Configure the header name used for the session affinity

is the default header name and is hardcoded in the code of the filters.

If you want to change the name of this header, you need to proceed as explained below:

  1. Edit uwp-config.properties file.

    For Linux , go to <3DDashboardInstallPath>/linux_a64/uwp-config.properties

    For Windows, go to <3DDashboardnstallPath>\win_b64\uwp-config.properties

  2. Add this property

    uwp.cas.originalClientNodeHeaderName = [YOUR_NEW_HEADER_NAME]

  3. Start and Stop the external / embedded TomEE+ as explained in this section.

Use the Diagnosis Tool

Once the 3DEXPERIENCE platform has been installed, you can use the Diagnosis tool to check that the services have been correctly installed and configured.

For more information, see Installation and Setup: Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Diagnosing the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Installation

Install More than One Service on the Same Machine

When more than one service has been installed on the same machine (for example, 3DPassport and 3DDashboard), a loop issue may occur with 3DDashboard and 3DPassport URLs.

Follow these steps to solve the problem:

  1. Modify the 3DDashboard reverse proxy configuration file: install_path\3DDashboard\win_b64\templates\3DDashboard_httpd_fragment.conf
    1. In this file, replace the in <Location /> tag: / by: /3ddashboard .
    2. Remove the following line: RequestHeader set x-forwarded-contextpath /.

      You can also replace it with : RequestHeader set x-forwarded-contextpath /3ddashboard

    3. Remove the / in the /3ddashboard ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives.
    4. Remove the line starting with: Header edit Set-Cookie.

    The new file now looks like this:

    # Apache configuration file for reverse proxy
    <Location /3ddashboard>
    SetEnvIf Host ^(.*?)(:[0-9]+|)$ custom_host=$1
    RequestHeader set x-forwarded-hostname "%{custom_host}e"
    RequestHeader set x-forwarded-port 444
    RequestHeader set x-forwarded-proto https
    ProxyPass http://localhost:7070/3ddashboard
    ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:7070/3ddashboard
  2. Modify the following registry keys using regedit: by adding this value for each key: DASHBOARD_URL=https://domain.dsone.3ds.com:444/3ddashboard .

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\3DSpaceTomEE_R2021x\Parameters\Environment
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\3DSpaceTomEENoCAS_R2021x\Parameters\Environment

  3. Edit the enovia.ini file located in: \install_path\3dspace_R2022x\3DSpace\win_b64\code\bin

    You can modify the 3DDashboard URL, for example like this: DASHBOARD_URL=https://domain.dsone.3ds.com:444/3ddashboard