
This section describes miscellaneous 3DNotification operations.

This task shows you how to:

Start and Stop Node.JS on Windows

This section explains how to start and stop Node.JS on Windows.

  1. The default name of the Windows service created and started when installing 3DNotification is 3DEXPERIENCE R2022x 3DNotification Node.
  2. To start and stop the node on Windows: start and stop the 3DEXPERIENCE R2022x 3DNotification Node service.

Start and Stop Node.JS on Linux

This section explains how to start and stop Node.JS on Linux.

Before you begin: Export the following variables for Oracle before proceeding:
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/19.6/client64

The tnsnames.ora file must exist in the Oracle_instant_client directory and contain the correct database details.

  1. To start node on Linux, run the following command: <3DNotificationInstallPath>/linux_a64/code/command/node start.
  2. To stop node on Linux, run the following command: <3DNotificationInstallPath>/linux_a64/code/command/node stop
  3. To restart node Linux, run the following command: <3DNotificationInstallPath>/linux_a64/code/command/node restart
  4. To get the current status of node on Linux, run the following command: <3DNotificationInstallPath>/linux_a64/code/command/node status

Change Installation Parameters

You may need to change parameters defined during the latest 3DNotification installation.

Using the reconfiguration tool, you can modify these parameters without reinstalling the whole service.

For more information, see Installation and Setup: Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Reconfiguring the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Installation

Use the diagnosing tool

Once the 3DEXPERIENCE platform has been installed, you can use the Diagnosis tool to check that the services have been correctly installed and configured.

For more information, see Installation and Setup: Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Diagnosing the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Installation