Configuring OAuth Authentication for all Identity Providers
You can configure OAuth Authentication for all supported identity providers.
Integration, then the
OAuth Proxy tab.
This tab contains a list of all supported social identity providers. By default, all social
identity providers are disabled when Social Login is
deactivated. You can enable or disable each social identity provider
Click to configure the OAuth identity settings for the
desired provider (for example, for Google).
The settings are:
Base URL
URL for obtaining user’s information on the identity provider.
Authentication URL
Authentication endpoint. This URL must be set to the one of the
OAuth popup.
Exchange Code URL
Token endpoint. This endpoint is used to exchange the authorization
code for tokens (access token or refresh token).
Refresh Token URL
Refresh token endpoint. This endpoint is used to refresh the access
token using the refresh token.
Scopes separated by space or comma, depending on the identity
provider API. (eg. Comma-separated for Facebook, space-separated for
Google). Can be empty if the provider does not implement OAuth scope
(eg. Dropbox).
Client ID
Client identifier set in the identity provider
Client Secret
Client secret (private key) set in the identity provider.