Configuring OAuth Authentication for Facebook

You can configure 3DPassport to enable end users to log on using their Facebook account.

Note: To avoid issues occurring during the login process if Internet Explorer is not set up to trust the identity provider, add the following URL to the Trusted sites list of Internet Explorer for Facebook: https://*

This task shows you how to:

Configure Facebook in OAuth Proxy Tab

  1. Click Integration, then the OAuth Proxy tab.
  2. Click to configure Facebook .
  3. Fill in the fields as follows:

    Base URL
    Authentication URL
    Exchange Code URL
    Refresh Token URLempty
    Scopepublic_profile, email

    Fill in all the fields to allow the social login feature to work. To obtain the required information to enter in the fields, you must first register 3DPassport on Facebook developer site.

  4. Click Apply.

Register 3DPassport on the Facebook Developer Site

To configure social login with Facebook, you need to register 3DPassport on the Facebook Developers Apps site.

  1. Go to the Facebook Developers Apps and log in with your Facebook Developer account.

    If you do not have a developer account, register first then log on.

  2. Locate then click + Add a new app.
  3. Provide a Display Name for your app, choose a Category and click Create App ID.

    You may be prompted also to submit an extra CAPTCHA security code.

  4. Select Products + and select under Add a Product: Facebook Login.
  5. Enter the 3DPassport Service URL in the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field and click Save.

    For example:

  6. Go to App Review and click Yes to make your application public.
  7. In the page displayed, in the side bar, click Settings and click the Basic tab if it is not already activated.

    The Basic tab contains all the information (App ID and App Secret) required to configure and enable the Facebook configuration section on the 3DPassport side:

    You may have to click Show to display the App Secret.

  8. You can now copy the App ID and App Secret to the Facebook configuration section