Configuring 3DPassport APIs

You can manage API credentials in the Security > API tab.

The API tab allows you to manage the following APIs:

  • /api/private/user/register: Creates user account
  • /api/private/user/update: Updates user account data
  • /api/private/user/v2/get: Retrieves user account data
  • /api/private/user/delete: Deletes user account
  • /api/private/user/recover: Recovers user account

For more information, refer to the Developer Assistance.

API credentials contain Client ID and secret. Client ID must be unique. Secret can be used to access the selected APIs

The Clients tab contains the Client IDs along with their secret. The Administrator can enable or disable the Client ID.

The Configuration tab contains the available APIs. The Administrator can enable or disable them.

Before you begin: To access this feature make sure you made a request to the Passport Administrator.
  1. To add a Client ID, click Security then the API tab.
  2. Click and fill in the fields

    • In the Client ID field, type the Client ID name
    • In the Allowed APIs field, select one or more allowed APIs.

  3. Click Apply.
    The New Client Secret generated dialog box appears.
    Important: Make sure you save the client secret.
  4. Optional: To edit a Client ID click
    1. Make the changes (only available for Allowed APIs field.)
    2. Click Apply.
  5. Optional: To renew a Client Secret click and click Renew the Client Secret

    Important: Make sure you save the client secret.

  6. To remove a Client ID, click and click Remove Client ID.