In 3D Markup, you can review a PDF document, a requirement, or a requirement specifications. You
can also add markers (such as comments, arrows, and freehand markers) to it. You can
display this PDF document or the requirement specification in 3DPlay Web App and browse through the markup.
Before you begin: Open a markup linked to a PDF inside a document, a requirement,
or a requirement specification.
From the action bar, click one of the following commands to browse through the
- Previous Comment
: navigates you to the previous comment in the comments
- Next Comment
: navigates you to the next comment in the comments panel.
- < and > options in
the comments panel to navigate to the previous and the next comment
- A blue bar appears next to a comment in the comments panel to
indicate that the comment has been displayed in the comments
- The panel is not visible in the presentation mode.
- After you browse through all the comments, a green bar appears
next to each comment in the comments panel. To delete this
display history, click
and then select Delete display history
- When the widget width is smaller than 550 pixels, the panel is automatically hidden
after selecting a comment in the comments panel.
From the action bar, click one of the following commands to browse through the pages in the
- Previous Page
: Navigates you to the previous requirement.
- Next Page
: Navigates you to the next requirement.
- For PDFs, you can also enter the page number at the upper-left corner of the widget to
move to a required page.
- The comments panel is not visible in the presentation mode.
- If the comment is created on a missing page, a warning icon is
displayed next to the comment, in the comments panel.
- Optional:
From the action bar, click one of the following commands to rotate the page:
Rotate Pages Clockwise

- Rotate Pages Counterclockwise

These commands are only available for a PDF.
- Optional: Click the hyperlink on the page to open it.
- If the hyperlink points to an external URL, it opens in a new tab.
- If the hyperlink points to a position in the context, the pointed position is displayed.
- Optional:
Click Bookmarks Panel
A panel displaying all the bookmarks in the PDF and the comments and
elements in the requirement specification appears on the left side of the
widget. The bookmarks on the page are highlighted.
When the
widget width is smaller than 550 pixels, the panel is automatically hidden
when you activate a bookmark in the Bookmarks Panel
- Optional:
Click Presentation Mode
The presentation mode lets you browse through the comments and pages in
the loaded PDF. You can see up to two pages simultaneously, depending on the
current zoom level in the presentation mode.
In case of requirements or
requirement specifications, the presentation mode lets you browse through
the requirement elements.
When you hover over any text or markup
element associated with a comment, the comment is