Sharing Content

You can share the view that is displayed in the 3D area using some dedicated action bar commands, or using Share services in the top bar. You can also share a snapshot of the current annotated content using 3DMessaging.

This task shows you how to:

Share Using Action Bar Commands

The action bar offer several commands to share the current view.

  1. From the standard area of the action bar, click the flyout for sharing .
  2. Choose from the options available.

    Note: The availability of options depends on the context.

    Share as Comment Shares a thumbnail of a PDF as a comment to 3DSwym communities or conversations. 3DSwym users can click the thumbnail to access the PDF.
    Share to 3DSwym Publishes the current view to 3DSwym communities. You can choose to publish as a post, a media, a question, or an idea.
    Save Screenshot Captures the current view and saves it as a PNG image to your file system.
    Print Screenshot Prints the current view using your browser's standard print feature.

Share Using Services in the Top Bar

You can access Share services to publish, print, or save the view that is displayed in the 3D area.

Before you begin:

The 3DPlay Web App widget must be maximized.

  1. In the top bar, select Share > Share as Picture.
  2. Choose either of the following options:
    Publish to Communities Publishes the current view to 3DSwym communities. You can choose to publish as a post, a media, a question, or an idea.
    Print Prints the current view using your browser's standard print feature.
    Download Captures the current view and saves it as a PNG image to your file system.

Share Using 3DMessaging

You can share a snapshot of the current annotated content using 3DMessaging.

  1. In the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, run 3DMessaging and connect with the recipient. For more information, see the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform guide.
  2. In the chat panel, share the snapshot of annotated content with the recipient.
    The recipient can open the snapshot to view the annotations, and load the 2D or 3D content (if available). The recipient can use the annotation tour to switch between annotations, add annotations, and share the annotated content again.
    Note: If recipients do not have access to the original 2D or 3D content, an informative message is displayed. They can view the snapshot in all cases.