3DPlay for Windows 10

3DPlay offers an intuitive navigation experience on several platforms, to discover 3D models and their associated experiences in real-time.

This guide deals with the Windows 10 version of 3DPlay. In this guide, the app may be referred to as 3DPlay for Windows 10, or as 3DPlay.

See Also
What's New
3DPlay Basics
In Other Guides
3DEXPERIENCE Dashboard Apps

3DPlay for Windows 10 is connected to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, and offers integration with 3DSwym, 3DSpace, or 3DDrive. This app provides several ways in which you can experience a product:

  • Open 3D models in 3D XML or STEP format.
  • View and manipulate models.
  • Annotate, measure, and section through models.

Functionality specific to Windows 10, like Cortana support or Windows Sharing features, is also available.

This product might use or depict Intellectual Property (IP) protected data. It is the user’s responsibility to safeguard the IP protected data when allowing others to view, export, or print the data. This includes the thumbnail representations of parts or assemblies used in markup screens. For more information on the use of IP Protection and safeguarding IP Protected data, see Social and Collaborative: Enterprise Modeling and Execution: IP Controlled Access.