Setting Multiple Languages for Advanced Search PLM Parameters

This section explains how the administrator can enable multiple languages in the PLM Parameters search suggestions.

The Advanced Search PLM parameters can suggest titles in multiple languages, based on the language preferences defined by users in their profiles. In other words, PLM parameters will suggest search results to users in their preferred language to allow them retrieving BO data.

This task shows you how to:

Define Supported Languages in PLM Parameters

  1. Edit the SearchSettings_Public.json file in:
    • /home/data/RTV/SERVER_NAME/3ddashboard/linux_a64/webapps/SNInfraUX/assets for 3DDashboard and CATIA V5 POWER'BY.
    • /home/data/RTV/SERVER_NAME/apache-tomcat/webapps/federated/webapps/SNInfraUX/assets for Native Apps.
  2. Define the languages for which you want to display PLM parameters search suggestions. The syntax is the following:

    "PLMParamNLS": {
    "<language code>": "<RDF vocabulary name>:<predicate name>",
    "<language code>": "<RDF vocabulary name>:<predicate name>"

    For example, to add English and French, you could have a definition like:

    "PLMParamNLS": {
    "en": "ds6wg:entitle",
    "fr": "ds6wg:frtitle"

    Tip: To know the exact names of attribute predicates, look into your 3DSearch index data model configuration.