Import Options

This Import options dialog box manages the import settings of .3xf files from DELTAGEN. You can use this dialog box to edit and view .3xf import options.

To access the .3xf import options, click Add > Import in the top bar of a native app, then select 3DEXCITE_DELTAGEN_Scene (*.3xf) in the Format list. For more information, see Importing a .3xf File Into the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

This page discusses:

Data Format

Lets you define the data format of the import. Select one of the following options:

Imports the data as tessellated mesh (cgr).
Note: B-sides are not imported.
By default this option is enabled.
Imports the original data as CAD representation without any modifications on the data set.
Note: B-sides are not imported.


Expose Transformation Center
Activates the old behavior of 2021x, where no explicit TransformCenter node was created.
When disabled, the Transform center is imported as an additional node in the tree structure if it is not 0 0 0 in DELTAGEN. You can find the X, Y, Z-values in the properties of the TransformCenter node under Position >Translation. The following child has the corresponding correction values to keep its position.
By default this option is disabled.

Material Import

Lets you choose the lifecycle characteristic for the material handling during .3xf import. Select one of the following options:

Reuse only
Uses only the materials for the ID-based assignment to the imported product that exist in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform database. Materials that are contained in the imported .3xf file are not taken into account.
By default, this option is selected.
Note: By using this option, the import of materials is disabled. Therefore, imported parts with assigned materials that do not yet exist in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform get no material assigned.
Reuse without update Or Create new if not existing
Takes the following characteristic into account:
  • Materials that already exist in your 3DEXPERIENCE platform database are not overwritten in case they have the same ID as materials that are contained in the imported .3xf file.
  • Materials that do not yet exist in your 3DEXPERIENCE platform database are created.
Material Import Only
You can select this option to create or update materials without importing the whole .3xf file.
By default, this option is not selected.