About Part Versioning

Part versioning is an optional feature that allows for a parallel change process using part versions instead of part revisions during the change process.

Note: Part versioning is not supported in Change Management for change orders, change actions, or change requests.

This page discusses:

Serial Change Process

The serial change process is the standard change process. This means that when multiple changes are being made to a part, the changes must be released in sequence. For example, Part PT-001020 1 is being modified under CA1. Under CA1, a new revision of the part is created, Part PT-001020 2, and changes are made to this revision. At the same time CA2 is required to make changes to the same part and has created revision Part PT-001020 3 to implement those changes. Under the serial change process, CA1 must be released before CA2. CA2 cannot go to release first because a previous revision of its affected part has not been released.

Parallel Change Process

A parallel change process allows multiple changes to a single part to be released in any order. For example, if CA1 and CA2 are making changes to Part PT-001020 1 it is not required to release CA1 before CA2.

When a connected CA is promoted from the Create to the Define Components state, a part version is created instead of a revision. A part version is a clone of the original affected part. A new part version object is created for each CA. Part versions are also shown in the Proposed Changes page of a CA. For example, Part PT-001020 1 is versioned to Part PT-001020 1-001. When the CA is released, the part version object is inserted at the end of the original part's revision chain, thus allowing CAs to be released in any order, and the part revision chain sequence is maintained.

The part versions are shown in the Proposed Changes page, in the 'New Rev' column. See Proposed Changes Page. The function of the part versions is the exact same as the new part revisions that are created in the serial change process. The part version is the object where the changes are going to take place. You can modify and create markups within the context of the part version, the same as you can with part revisions. The only difference is that when using the part revision, you are required to release the CA (and parts) in the order they were created. Using the part version allows you to release the CAs (and parts) in any order.

Note: Whether the change process is serial or parallel, a part, part version, or part revision can be added to only one CO at a time.