- Returns you to the xOptimize Pro
home page.
- Undo
- Lets you undo the latest action.
- Redo
- Lets you redo the latest action.
New Operation
- Resets the operation to default by removing the created operators and selectors. Opens
the New DataPrep Operation dialog
window. For more information, see New DataPrep Operation Dialog Window
List Operations
- Opens a window listing all operations previously saved in the database. For more
information, see List Operations.
- Saves the current operation in the database replacing the
last saved already existing operation.
This action is not name based, but depends on an
internal ID.
- Save As
- Saves the current operation in the database as a new one. Existing operations are not
- Import Operation
- Imports an already existing .dpo operation. For more information, see Import Operation.
- Export Operation
- Saves your current operation on your PC as .data file or .dpo file. For more
information, see Export Operation.
- Share Operation
- Opens a new window that lets you specify the options for sharing your operation. For
more information, see Share Operation.
- Exposed Parameters
- Opens the separate window Edit Exposed Parameters that lets you
specify exposed parameters for your data preparation
operations. You can change these specified parameters
further later on when processing a product with your data
preparation operation in the product processor. For more
information, see Exposed Parameters.
Show Help
- Displays a list of shortcuts available in xOptimize Pro.