Action Bar

The Action Bar provides the commands for handling chain nodes and data preparation operations in xOptimize Pro.

This page discusses:

Returns you to the xOptimize Pro home page.
Lets you undo the latest action.
Lets you redo the latest action.
New Operation
Resets the operation to default by removing the created operators and selectors. Opens the New DataPrep Operation dialog window. For more information, see New DataPrep Operation Dialog Window
List Operations
Opens a window listing all operations previously saved in the database. For more information, see List Operations.
Saves the current operation in the database replacing the last saved already existing operation.
Note: This action is not name based, but depends on an internal ID.
Save As
Saves the current operation in the database as a new one. Existing operations are not overwritten.
Import Operation
Imports an already existing .dpo operation. For more information, see Import Operation.
Export Operation
Saves your current operation on your PC as .data file or .dpo file. For more information, see Export Operation.
Share Operation
Opens a new window that lets you specify the options for sharing your operation. For more information, see Share Operation.
Exposed Parameters
Opens the separate window Edit Exposed Parameters that lets you specify exposed parameters for your data preparation operations. You can change these specified parameters further later on when processing a product with your data preparation operation in the product processor. For more information, see Exposed Parameters.
Show Help
Displays a list of shortcuts available in xOptimize Pro.

List Operations

The My DataPrep Operation window list all your data preparation operations. That can be operations you saved previously in the database or operations that somebody shared with you. The window provides you with the following information:

  • Colored circle with the initials of the operation owner
  • Name of the operation
  • Created - date and time of the creation
  • Last modified - date and time of the latest modification
  • Shared with - list of people with whom you shared the operation
The following functions are available in the listed operations:

Opens an operation in xOptimize Pro. Operations that are open in the editor are closed.
Note: Save any currently open operation before you open another operation to prevent data loss.
Opens the Share Operation window. For more information, see Share Operation.
Opens the Export Operation dialog. For more information, see Export Operation.
Note: Export is only possible when the operation has been saved in advance.
Use delete to delete the operation. You can only delete your own operations, not operations that have been shared with you.
Warning: You cannot undo the deletion of an operation.

Import Operation

Opens a dialog in which you can select an operation you want to import. For more information, see Import Dialog Window.

Export Operation

In addition to sharing your operations, you can also export them for exchanging or as an executable operation.

xOptimize Pro Operation
Generates a .dpo for further exchange.
Product Processor Operation
Generates an executable .data operation.

Exposed Parameters

You can modify in the Exposed Parameters window exposed parameters in case your data preparation operations contain exposted parameters.

Parameter Name
You can enter a name for the exposed parameter, resp. specify Prefix or a Search List.
You can enter a Value or as value for the Search List enter several values by entering one value and pressing Enter. Then you can enter another value and add it by pressing Enter again.
Displays which type of input can be in the fields.
Linked to
Displays to which operator the parameter is linked.

Share Operation

You can specify in the Manage Share window with whom you want to share your operations or remove you as a reader from operations that have been shared with you.

Add Access Rights
Enter the users one after the other in the Reader textbox. Click Add to confirm your selection. Lets you also select and add to your list further users for sharing your data preparation operation.
Multi Selection Mode
You can enter several users with whom you want to share your operation. If you activate the multiselection mode, the list of selected users is shown with a check box in front of each user. You can now select multiple users in one go. If you now use the icon for revoking a user's access all selected users are deleted from your sharing list.
Revoke User Access
By means of this function you can delete users with whom you shared operations as readers. You can also revoke your own access to operations that have been shared with you.