Operator Properties

You can specify the operator properties in the individual operator chain nodes of your data preparation operation. The operator properties are shown below the selector properties.

Note: Numbers in fields with up/down controls in the operator properties can have 4 digits, for example 14.5321. The numbers are automatically rounded. Whether a '.' or ',' is used for separating the numbers depends on the browser language. Minimum/maximum ranges are respected and values are set back to their respective limit.

This page discusses:

General operator properties

You can enable/disable the operator in the heading of the operator node. The setting defines whether the operator is active and taken into account for the operation or not.
You can change the name of the operator in the node heading. As default the general name of the impostor is shown at first.
A general description of the operator is shown in the line below the heading of the operator. You can customize that description.
Opens a separate link operator window that lets you link a parameter.
Duplicates the operator in the chain. The name of the duplicated operator starts with Dup_.
Deletes the operator node from the chain.

Isolate operator properties

The Isolate operator is the only one that has no chain panel but a separate panel that is shown by default and you cannot delete it. It has two areas for specifying properties:

  • Isolation settings - lets you specify a Prefix.
  • Filter out settings - lets you specify a Property and Search List.

Specifies the prefix used when copying the original product. The defined term precedes the name of the processed and saved product duplicate after the operation finished successfully.
Provides additional filtering options based on attributes for removing more elements while creating the isolated copy of the input product.
  • None - does not check for matching search list entries. No additional elements are deleted from the duplicated product structure.
  • V_Name - looks for matching search list entries inside the V_Name ("Title") attribute property values of the product or representation.
  • V_Usage - looks for matching search list entries inside the V_Usage attribute property values of the product or representation.
  • V_Description - looks for matching search list entries inside the V_Description ("Description) property values of the product or representation.
Note: You can manually enter any attribute property used for specifying your products or representation.
The Search list specifies the terms for filtering in the defined attribute property. Products or representations matching a Search list entry inside the defined Property are deleted from the duplicated product structure.

Decimate operator properties

Specifies the way the defined parameters are used for reducing the triangle count.
  • Fixed - use this mode when the dimensions of the model are known and a specific tolerance in mm is required.
  • Proportional - computes the exact tolerance in mm relatively to the input's size.
Chordal (mm)
Defines the maximum distance between the original and the decimated geometry:
  • In Fixed mode the values are in mm and range from 0 (excluded) to 10.
  • In Proportional mode the values represent a percentage of the input's size. Values range from 0 (excluded) to 1 (100%).
Join tolerance (mm)
Defines the tolerance under which two faces are merged.
Note: Values are in mm and range from 0 to 10. If the value is 0, it is automatically computed.
Keep borders
Defines whether free borders are kept unchanged or not.

Defeature operator properties

Remove holes
Defines whether holes with a smaller or equal radius as the defined value are removed from the geometry or not.
Radius less than (mm)
Specifies the radius threshold in mm. Holes with a smaller or equal radius are deleted from the geometry.
Remove fillets
Defines whether fillets with a smaller radius as the defined value are removed from the geometry or not.
Radius less than (mm)
Specifies the radius threshold in mm. Fillets with a smaller or equal radius are deleted from the geometry.
Remove Logos
Defines whether logos are deleted from the geometry or not.

Delete operator properties

The properties of the Delete operator are equal to the general operator properties. You cannot edit specific properties. Use a selector to specify which elements of the structure you want to delete.

Envelop operator properties

Property to use
Defines the property used for calculating the hull.
  • Voxel Size - defines the size of a voxel to drive the accuracy of the created hull.
  • Voxels Count - defines the number of voxels to drive the accuracy of the created hull.
Size of one voxel (mm)
Defines the size of each voxel used for calculating the hull.
Note: Values are in mm and range from 0 to infinity. The smaller the size the more accurate is the hull.
Hide envelope
Defines whether the calculated hull is visible or not.
Hide input
Defines whether the original geometry is visible or not.

Impostor - Envelop operator properties

The Impostor - Envelop operator generates a simplified 3D geometry that emulates the shape and appearance of the input geometry including a texture. The simplified geometry is build from a voxel-based wrap mesh enveloping the input and is then decimated. The wrap mesh can enter the inside of the input in case the Fill holes property is not set.

Apply Impostor on selection as
Defines if you want the selection processed as a whole or independently.
  • One combined group - all items are considered. The impostor is performed once on all the selected elements at the same time.
  • Individual items - each item of the selection is considered independently. An impostor for each element is created.
The quality range linked to the wrap mesh's voxel size. The wrap mesh's actual voxel size is internally limited to values between 0.2% and 1% of the input model's bounding box. The high limit corresponds to the internal 0.2% and the low limit corresponds to the internal 1%.
Target triangle count mode
Defines if the actual target triangle count is internally computed using Target triangle count (%) in case option Percentage is selected, or if the value in Target triangle count in case option Total count is selected.
Target triangle count (%)
Defines a target percentage with respect to the initial triangle count, at which the decimation step stops. This is only a desired value, in some cases it might not be reached.
Target triangle count
Number of triangles where the decimation step stops. This is only a desired value, in some cases it might not be reached.
Texture size (px)
Lets you specify the number of pixels in the texture in one dimension (n being selected, texture size is n x n):
  • 512
  • 1024
  • 2048
  • 4096
Delete input
Defines whether the original geometry is kept or not, meaning deleted.
Texture quality
Lets you specify the texture quality:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
Note: The value relates to the number of samples taken by the baking step. Low is equivalent to 64 samples, Medium to 128 and High to 256. The higher the number, the more the pixels look like the original.
Material mode
If "Create Covering material", the texture is set in a PLM material applied to the impostor geometry; if "Bake to mesh" texture is baked directly in the impostor cgr.
  • Create Covering Material - The texture is set in a PLM material applied to the impostor geometry.
  • Bake to mesh - The texture is applied directly on the impostor cgr.
Covering material name
Define here a name for new created PLM material containing the texture.
Fill holes
Define if the wrap mesh ignores holes in the input geometry by activating this setting. In case it is deactivated all holes are included in the processing.
Hole size (mm)
Define the maximum diameter for holes that are filled. Bigger holes are considered when computing the wrap mesh.

Jacketing operator properties

The Jacketing operator is a hidden surface removal operator. If a single representation has multiple occurrences, a singe resulting mesh is created. That mesh contains the union of all visible triangles of each occurrence.

The operator builds a mesh, a jacketing mesh, wrapping the input. A virtual sensor checks all vertices of the mesh and shoots rays toward the input. Surfaces hit by at least one ray are considered as visible, the others are removed.

Apply Jacketing on selection as
Defines if you want the selection processed as a whole or independently.
  • One combined group - all items are considered. A single jacketing mesh is created.
  • Individual items - each item of the selection is considered independently. Multiple jacketing meshes are created.
Occlude by selection only
Defines what you want to take as an occluder.
  • Activated - only the selected items (for selector) are considered as an occluder.
  • Deactivated - the entire structure is considered as an occluder.
Note: This parameter is always considered as activated in case Apply Jacketing on selection as is set to Individual items.
Consider transparency
Defines whether transparency is considered for occlusion or not. You can define the transparency for this step only with the graphic properties, not with assigned materials.
  • Yes - transparent parts cannot conceal surfaces.
  • No - transparent parts can conceal surfaces.
Adaptive voxel size
The jacketing mesh is computed using voxels. Defines if the voxel size is computed using Number of voxels or instead use the value in Fixed voxel size (mm).
  • Activated - The voxel size is computed using the value in Number of voxels.
  • Deactivated - The Adaptive voxel size changes to Fixed voxel size (mm). The voxel size is the value entered in Fixed voxel size (mm).
Fixed voxel size (mm)
Defines the length in millimeters of one side of the voxels into which the input geometry's bounding box is split.
Number of voxels
Defines the number of voxels along the largest dimension of the input geometry's bounding box.
Adaptive holes and gaps
Defines if the values entered in Hole size (mm) and Gap accuracy (mm) are used or ignored, and computed internally.
  • Activated - The values entered in Hole size (mm) and Gap accuracy (mm) are ignored and the two fields are hidden. The hole size is set to 1% of the bounding size and the gap accuracy is set to 0.5% of the bounding size. The bounding size is the largest dimension of the input's bounding box.
  • False - The fields Hole size (mm) and Gap accuracy (mm) are displayed. The values entered in the two fields are taken into consideration.
Hole size (mm)
Defines the minimum diameter for holes, so that they are considered when computing the jacketing mesh. If a hole is not inspected by the jacketing mesh, the sensor does not check this area and surfaces in this area have a high chance to be regarded as invisible.
Gap accuracy (mm)
Defines the minimum diameter for gaps. Gaps smaller than the entered value cannot be traversed by rays. As a consequence surfaces behind a gap have a high chance to be considered as invisible. You can also regard the gap accuracy as the thickness of the rays. Thick rays cannot penetrate small holes.
Keep Jacketing mesh
Defines if you want to keep and attach the jacketing mesh under the root. This is a debug option; for productive deactivate this parameter.
  • Activated - You keep the jacketing mesh.
  • Deactivated - You do not keep the jacketing mesh.
Analysis method
Defines if invisible geometry is deleted or kept hidden and colored green.
  • Disabled - Invisible geometry is deleted. Use this parameter for production.
  • Keep and color faces - Invisible geometry is kept hidden and colored green.

Material assign operator properties

Specifies the external ID of the material to be applied to the geometry.

Material remove operator properties

The properties of the Remove material operator are equal to the general operator properties. You cannot edit any specific properties for this operator.

Merge operator properties

Unified Merge
Defines if the selected representations/products are treated separately or merged.

Optimize mesh operator properties

Remove graphic prop
The remove graphic properties property lets you define if you want to remove graphic properties from a product that has material applied.
  • Activated - If any graphic properties are hidden under materials they are removed.
  • Deactivated - All graphic properties are kept.
Recommendation: Activate this property to obtain a maximum simplification.

Projection mapping operator properties

Mapping type
Specifies the mapping type to be assigned to the selected element.
  • Planar
  • Spherical
  • Finite cylindrical
  • Infinite cylindrical
  • Cubical
  • Geometry UV
Specifies the size of the texture by a scaling value.
Note: Values range from 0 to infinity.

Replace operator properties

Replacement lets you drag a replacement file from the platform.
You can use a physical product as replacement, or a document with a mapping table. In the first column of the table have to be the references to be replaced, in the second column the replacing references.

Set label operator properties

Defines whether the items selected by a selector replace or are added to the list of items with the specified label.
  • Replace - overrides exiting items with the specific label with the new ones.
  • Accumulate - adds the specified label to the selected elements. Existing ones are kept as well.
Specifies the label to be assigned to the selected element.

Tessellate operator properties

Specifies the maximum chordal deviation for the tessellation. The smaller the value the higher the quality of the generated mesh.
Note: Values are in mm and range from 0.0001 to 1000.
Specifies the maximum angle between the normals of isolines for the tessellation. The smaller the value the higher the quality of the generated mesh.
Note: Values are in degrees and range from 0 to 180. If the value is 0 the geometry dimensions are taken into account to automatically compute the parameter accordingly.
Specifies the maximum length between two isolines for the tessellation. The smaller the value the higher the quality of the generated mesh.
Note: Values are in mm and range from 5 to 500000. If the value is 0 the geometry dimensions are taken into account to automatically compute the parameter accordingly.
Note: The operator may use a fallback mode if the defined parameters are to fine for the size of the input data:

If the diagonal of the geometry’s bounding box is bigger than:

  • 10 meters, then Tolerance = 1 mm, Angle = 0 degrees, Length = 10 mm.
  • 100 meters, then Tolerance = 50 mm, Angle = 0 degrees, Length = 100 mm.

Unwrap Operator Properties

Segmentation strategy
Specifies the way the created UVs are stored.
  • Single chart - Stores all created UV maps in a single chart.
  • Single chart with 1 boundary - Stores all created UV maps in a single chart with a single boundary loop.
  • Multiple charts - Stores the created UV maps in several charts.
Minimize area distortion
Defines whether the area distortion (in addition to the angular distortion) is optimized or not.
Resolve overlap
Defines whether all overlaps of UV charts are resolved during the unwrapping step or not.
Layout charts
Defines whether the created UV charts are packed into an atlas or not.
Default atlas settings used: Padding = 1 pixel, Layout size = 512 x 512 pixels.
Defines whether a normalization of the created UV charts takes place and if so in which way.
  • Do not normalize - Does not scale the created UV charts in any way.
  • Keep chart ratio - Scales the created UV charts equality in U and V direction, keeping their ratio, to fit into the unit square.
  • Normalize U - Scales the created UV charts only in the U direction.
  • Normalize V - Scales the created UV charts only in the V direction.
  • Normalize UV - Scales the created UV charts in U and V direction without keeping their ratio.
Replace existing UVs
Defines whether the entity is unwrapped even though UVs already exist in the defined channel or not.
UV channel
Defines the UV channel to be used for the unwrapping.
  • Texture - uses the default texture UV channel for unwrapping.
  • Lightmap - uses the shadow UV channel for unwrapping.