1. Prepare the Geometry
- Use the Isolate operator.
- Optional:
Add the Delete operator to delete redundant or unwanted parts
from the isolated model.
This step is done to speed up the automated preparation.
Optional: Add the Defeature operator to remove
geometric features such as holes, fillets or logos.
Note: This operation only works on NURBS (cgm) models.
Add the Tessellate operator.
Note: This operation only works on NURBS (cgm) models.NURBS (cgm) geometry is transformed into polygonal/triangle (cgr) geometry.
Add the Decimate operator to further reduce the polygon count
of the model.
Note: It is recommended to tessellate NURBS (cgm) models before decimation.
- Optional: Add the Jacketing operator.
- Optional: Add the Envelop or Impostor - Envelop operator.
- Optional: Add the Merge operator.