Material Properties

This Material Properties panel manages material properties. Use this panel to edit and view material properties.

Select a part of the product and click the Material tab to display the belonging material properties in the panel. According to the material type of the selected part, only specific properties belonging to this material type are displayed in the Properties panel. In the following, all existing material properties are listed and explained.

When you edit the value of a material property, the highlight on the parts that have this material assigned disappears so that you can see the change in the viewport.

Note: You cannot edit color properties that have a texture assigned. The sliders and values of non-tweakable properties are grayed out.
Tip: For special information on a property, move your cursor over the orange bar to the left of the property, if available.

This page discusses:

Applied Material

Defines the name of the selected material.


Diffuse Color
Defines the diffuse color.
Note: A black color deactivates the emission.
For more information see, Using the Color Chooser.

Base Color/Albedo
Defines the overall surface color of the material.

Specifies how metallic the material appears. A value of 0 denotes a nonmetallic or dielectric surface, a value of 1 corresponds to a metallic surface.

Specifies the microscopic roughness of the surface. Higher values lead to blurred reflections, low values simulate a smooth surface.

Specifies how transparent the material appears. An opaque surface has a transparency of 0; a transparent surface has the value 1.

Controls the aspect ratio of the specular highlight.

Anisotropy Rotation
Defines a rotation angle for the specular highlight.

Defines the amount of rim lighting, resulting from both forward and backward scattering like, for example, for velvet.

Cut-out Opacity
Cut out acts like an alpha channel on geometry. It is usually a texture, which defines holes in thin-walled objects, making it possible to fake highly detailed geometry boundaries without additional polygons.


Specular Color
Defines the color of light reflected in a single outgoing direction.
For more information see, Using the Color Chooser.

Specular Glossiness
Specifies the amount of light reflection on nonmetallic surfaces. Higher values lead to glossier material.

Index of Reflection
Specifies the global reflectivity.


Emissive Intensity
Specifies the lighting intensity radiated from the assigned mesh surfaces into the scene. Higher values lead to more brightness.

Emissive Color
Defines the emissive color.
For more information, see Using the Color Chooser.

Emission Color
Defines the color of the emitted light.
Note: The emitted energy is defined by the emission value, not by its emission color. Meaning a darker emission color does not decrease the light intensity.

Emission Value
Defines the intensity of light emitted by the material. This parameter turns a surface into an area light.

Emission Mode
  • Light Emittance - describes the power emitted per surface area of the light source.
  • Light Power - describes the power emitted by the light source

Emission Energy Normalization
Specifies how the emission color affects the emitted light. When disabled, darker emission colors lead to darker emission. When enabled, the quantity of emitted light is defined by the emission value, the emission color then only modifies the colorfulness of the light.


IOR - Index of Refraction
Specifies how much light is bent (refracted) when traveling through a material.
Note: Air has a value of 1.0, whereas glass usually is represented by the value of 1.5.

Volume Color
Defines the volume color.
For more information see, Using the Color Chooser.

Thin Walled
Adds a thin glass wall aspect to transparent materials.

Attenuation Color
Defines the remaining energy in terms of a color after a ray of white light traveled a certain distance through a volume.

Attenuation Distance
Defines the remaining energy in terms of a color after a ray of white light traveled a certain distance through a volume.

Subsurface Color
Specifies the overall color an object has after multiple scattering events of light inside a volume took place


Specifies the intensity of the surface's curvature deformation.

Specifies the intensity of the surface elevation.


Flakes Intensity/Density
Specifies the flake density, meaning the number of flakes across the surface area.

Flakes Color
Defines the flakes color.
For more information see, Using the Color Chooser.

Flakes Size
Specifies the size of the individual flake.
Flakes Roughness
Specifies the microscopic roughness of the flakes. Higher values lead to blurred reflections, low values simulate a smooth surface.


Defines an additional monochromatic specular reflection layer on top of the surface.

Clearcoat Roughness
Specifies the microscopic roughness of the clearcoat. Higher values lead to blurred reflections, low values simulate a smooth surface.


Defines the amount of specular reflection on nonmetallic surfaces.

Specular Tint
Defines an additional color that tints the specular reflection of nonmetallic surfaces.

Texture Tweaker

Scale Value
Specifies the size of the texture mapped on the surface along the U and V axes.
Note: Values between 0 and 1 reduce the texture size.

Scale Ratio
Specifies the ratio between U/V stretching and compression.

Offset U
Moves the texture in the horizontal direction along the U axis. Either to the right (positive value) or to the left (negative value).

Offset V
Moves the texture in the vertical direction along the V axis. Either to the top (positive value) or to the bottom (negative value).

Specifies the angle in degree, the texture is rotated around its center.