Creating an Experience

You can create an Experience from the home page.

Before you begin: Go to the xStudio home page by opening the app from the Compass or by using the Home command from the action bar
  1. From the home page, select New .
    The 3DSearch panel appears and displays all results for physical root products, matching the search criteria "prd root".
  2. From the results, select your product and click OK. For more information, see Inserting Products.

    You can load several products at once by using multiselection.

    The New Experience dialog box appears.
  3. In the dialog box, specify the following settings:
    • Name - lets you enter the name for the new Experience.
    • Location - lets you select the collaborative space from the list, where you want to save the Experience. Based on the selected collaborative space your role is displayed, as well as your company name.
      Note: To select a collaborative space from the list, you must have the Author, Leader, or Owner role.
  4. Click Ok.
    The new Experience with the selected product or products opens in xStudio.