Places Panel

The Places panel of the Places tab provides you with different storage locations for assets. These locations rely on the 3DSpace and 3DDrive apps. They constitute your primary sources for assets.

Your permissions determine your ability to access the content of the storage locations, and what actions you can perform with the assets that compose these locations.

This page discusses:

3DSpace Collaborative Spaces

The 3DSpace list comprises the available collaborative spaces where you can find and add assets.

Select a collaborative space to display the assets that compose it.

Collaborative spaces provide you with enriched options to manage your assets. These options are typically more exhaustive than those of 3DDrive folders.

3DDrive Folders

The 3DDrive list comprises the available 3DDrive folders where you can find assets. These folders are divided into the two following categories:

Shared With Me

The Share With Me category encompasses the 3DDrive folders that other collaborators or groups share with you.

My Files

The My Files category encompasses your own 3DDrive folders.