About Enterprise Item Number Business Rules

When you use a business rule, the entire enterprise item number (EIN) is generated for the user. There are no fields for the user to enter text.

With fully generated EINs, the Set Enterprise Item Number dialog box enables the user to only select or clear the Update Existing Enterprise Item Number check box. The user can select the check box to update or assign numbers for all items listed in the dialog box. The user can clear the check box to assign numbers to the items listed in the dialog that do not have them.

See Also
Creating Enterprise Item Number Business Rules
Note: If you customize the enterprise item number format using either the parameterization console or using a business rule, enterprise item numbers will be ignored in data that you import in the future using a spreadsheet.

When you create a business rule, the server Business Logic PLMComputePartNumber generates a new enterprise item number for each product that the user selects. A panel lists the generated enterprise item numbers and the user can either accept or refuse to use them. The user cannot edit the list.

If there is no business rule, the panel contains a field that enables the user to enter an enterprise item number using any format they choose.

Here is an example business rule:

Let thisObject(VPMReference)
Let UniqueKey=""
Let ObjectCustoType=""
Let ExternalID=""
Let EnterpriseItemNumber=""

/* get counter */
ObjectCustoType = Parameters->GetAttributeString("CustoType")
UniqueKey = GetUniqueKey( ObjectCustoType )

/* get PLMExternal_ID */
ExternalID= thisObject->GetAttributeString("PLM_ExternalID")

/* generate Enterprise Item Number with schema */
EnterpriseItemNumber = "PN-" + ExternalID + "-" + UniqueKey 

/* set value in parameters*/
Parameters->SetAttributeString("PartNumber", EnterpriseItemNumber)

Where CustoType is any text string (such as "022", "GV") that you want to include in the enterprise item number definition.