
This section describes operators belonging to the Geometry category.

This page discusses:

3D Text

Generates the outline or the interior surface of a text.


Name Type Description
Text String Text to be created.
Fill Boolean If true, generates letters surfaces. if false, generates external wires.
Plane Matrix Plane describing the position and the orientation of the 3d text.
Height Length Height of letters.
Characters Spacing Real Ratio of horizontal space between letters, between -100% (closer) and 100% (more spaced).
Characters Ratio Real Ratio of characters width, between 33% (narrower) and 200% (larger).
Horizontal Alignment Integer Left (1) | center (2) | right (3)
Vertical Alignment Integer Descender (1) | baseline (2) | middle (3) | ascender (4)
Vertical Boolean If true, the letters are positioned vertically.
Flipped Boolean If true, the text is oriented in the opposite direction.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry


Creates a volume from a list of volumes. resulting volume is the boolean union of input volumes.


Name Type Description
Volumes Volume List of volumes to add.


Name Type Description
Volume Volume Created volume

Adjacent Cells

Finds all adjacent cells to the specified one.


Name Type Description
Cell Geometry
Support Geometry
Dimension Integer


Name Type Description
Adjacent Cells Geometry List of geometries


Changes the size of a geometry in various directions by given ratios. takes optional inputs to define the axis system. it is the advanced version of the scale operator.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry Geometry to transform
Center Point Center point
Base Plane Plane Base plane
X Axis Direction Line X axis direction
x Ratio Real X ratio
y Ratio Real Y ratio
z Ratio Real Z ratio


Name Type Description
Translated Geometry Created geometry

Apply Attractors On Curve

Applies a list of attraction/repulsion forces on a curve. computes new curve geometry according to the definition of forces.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve
Attractors List List of attractors
Steepness Real The greater the steepness, the sharper the function applied on the point depending on the distance between the point and the attractor
Sampling Integer Minimum number of points created on the curve to apply the attractors


Name Type Description
Oc Curve Created curve

Apply Attractors On Points

Applies a list of attraction/repulsion forces on a list of points. computes scalar influence (absolute and mean) and new position of points according to the definition of forces.


Name Type Description
Ip Point
Attractors List
Steepness Real The greater the steepness, the sharper the function applied on the point depending on the distance between the point and the attractor


Name Type Description
Oinf List Cumulated influence of the attractors on the point.
Oinfmean List Mean influence of the attractors on the point
Op List Points moved


Assembles a list of geometries of the same dimension. an optional input enables to activate the union mode.


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry List of geometry to assemble
Union Boolean Union strategy , means assemble all geometries without check of any topology criteria (generally not recommended, this mode it is not supported with polyhedral geometrical objects inputs)


Name Type Description
Assembled Geometry Created geometry

Axis Line

Computes the axis of a geometry that has to be the result of a revolution operation.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry


Name Type Description
Axis Line Created line

Axis System On Curve

Creates an axis system at a given point on a curve oriented according to the frenet axis system (tangent, normal, binormal).


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Support curve
Reference Point Point Reference point on the curve


Name Type Description
Axis System AxisSystemMatrix Created axis system

Axis System On Plane

Creates an axis system on plane origin and oriented along plane main directions.


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Plane to support the axis system


Name Type Description
Axis System AxisSystemMatrix Created axis system

Axis System On Surface

Creates an axis system at a given point on a surface oriented along the uvs of the surface.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Support surface
Reference Point Point Reference point for the axis system on the surface


Name Type Description
Axis System AxisSystemMatrix Created axis system

Axis System Rotate

Rotates an axis system around its own axis (x,y,z).


Name Type Description
Ref AxisSystemMatrix Axis system to rotate
Yaw Angle Rotation around the reference axis system z axis
Pitch Angle Rotation around the reference axis system y axis
Roll Angle Rotation around the reference axis system x axis


Name Type Description
A AxisSystemMatrix Rotated axis system

Axis System To Vectors

Extracts the four vectors (position and from the three orthonormal axis) from an axis system matrix.


Name Type Description
Axis System AxisSystemMatrix


Name Type Description
Position Vector Position vector
X Vector Vector of the first axis of the axis system matrix
Y Vector Vector of the second axis of the axis system matrix
Z Vector Vector of the third axis of the axis system matrix

Axis System Translate

Translates a reference axis system along a vector defined by three coordinates.


Name Type Description
Ref AxisSystemMatrix Reference axis system
X Length First coordinate
Y Length Second coordinate
Z Length Third coordinate


Name Type Description
A AxisSystemMatrix Translated axis system

Axis System to Geometry

Creates an axis system at a given geometry.


Name Type Description
Axis System AxisSystem


Name Type Description
Origin Point
Axis 1 Line First u axis
Axis 2 Line Second v axis
Axis 3 Line Third w axis


Creates a point at the barycenter of list of geometries.


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry
Weights List


Name Type Description
Barycenter Point Created point

Bezier Curve

Creates a bezier curve with the 4 given points as control points.


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point Start point of the curve
Point 2 Point Second control point of the curve. controls the tangency of the first extremity
Point 3 Point Third control point of the curve. controls the tangency of the second extremity
Point 4 Point End point of the curve


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Resultant besier curve

Bezier Point

Creates a point on a bezier curve at a given ratio.


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point Start point of the bezier curve
Point 2 Point End of the tangent from the start point
Point 3 Point End of the tangent from the end point
Point 4 Point End point of the bezier curve
Ratio Real Position between the two end points. must be between 0 and 1


Name Type Description
Bezier Point Point Created point


Creates a blend surface between two curves. you can provide supports for both curves so that the result creates a smooth transition between supports.


Name Type Description
Curve 1 Curve
Curve 2 Curve
Surface 1 Surface
Surface 2 Surface
Continuity 1 Integer
Continuity 2 Integer
Tension 1 Real
Tension 2 Real


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Created surface


Creates the boundary of a surface or a volume. if the input is multi-domain, the output is assembled.


Name Type Description
Surface Geometry Input surface or volume.


Name Type Description
Boundary Geometry Boundary of input object.

Bounding Box

Computes the bounding box (volume) of a geometry.


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry
reference matrix Matrix User define matrix reference for computation (default is inertia matrix)
Volume Boolean Volume(default) or skin bounding box note: for planar shape or curve: planar fill(default ) or rectangle bounding wire


Name Type Description
Bounding Box Geometry Resultant bounding box


Creates a box from two points. result can be a volume or a surface.


Name Type Description
Pt1 Point First corner of the box.
Pt2 Point Opposite corner of the box.
Ref Matrix Orientation of the box.
Volume Boolean Result as a volume (true) or as a surface (false).


Name Type Description
Box Geometry


Creates a catenary curve of a given length between two points in a given direction (the direction indicates the gravity direction).


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point
Point 2 Point
Force Direction Vector
Length Length


Name Type Description
Catenary Curve


Creates a point at center of gravity of any geometry.


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry


Name Type Description
Center Point Created point

Circle 2 Points Radius

Creates a circle passing by two points, with a given radius, on a given support.


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point First point the circle has to pass by
Point 2 Point Second point the circle has to pass by
Support Plane Support plane
Radius Length
Is Full Boolean If true, creates a complete circle, otherwise an arc going from p1 to p2
Complementary Boolean If full is false, compl enables to choose which of the two possible arcs to take


Name Type Description
Circle Circle Created circle or arc

Circle 2 Points Tangent

Creates a circle passing by two points and tangent to the specified vector at the first point.


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point First point on the circle
Point 2 Point Second point on the circle
Tangent Vector Tangent vector at first point
Support Plane Support plane
Is Full Boolean Draws only an arc or the full circle
Complementary Boolean If only an arc is drawn, tells which side of the arc to draw


Name Type Description
Circle Circle Created circle

Circle 3 Points

Creates a circle passing by the three given points.


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point First point
Point 2 Point Second point
Point 3 Point Third point
Is Full Boolean If true, creates a complete circle, otherwise an arc going from p1 to p2
Complementary Boolean If full is false, compl enables to choose which of the two possible arcs to take


Name Type Description
Circle Circle Created circle or arc

Circle Center Point

Creates a circle by using a center point, a second point to define the radius, a support and an optional angle. the angle enables to creates only an arc.


Name Type Description
Center Point Center point of the circle
Point on Circle Point Point the circle has to pass by
Support Plane Support plane
Angle Angle Optional angle to create an arc


Name Type Description
Circle Circle Created circle or arc

Circle Center Radius

Creates a circle by using a center point, a radius, a support and an optional angle. the angle option creates an arc.


Name Type Description
Center Point Center point of the circle
Radius Length Circle radius
Support Plane Support plane
Arc Angle Angle Optional angle to create an arc


Name Type Description
Circle Circle Resultant circle or arc

Circle Sweep

Creates a surface by sweeping out a circle from a guiding curve while taking other user-defined parameters such as the radius of the circle.


Name Type Description
Guide Curve Guiding curve
Radius Length


Name Type Description
Sweep Surface Resulting sweep

Close Surface

Creates a volume from a surface by closing it.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface


Name Type Description
Volume Volume Created volume

Closest Points

Takes two geometries, makes the nearest points on both geometries and computes the distance.


Name Type Description
Object1 Geometry First geometry
Object2 Geometry Second geometry


Name Type Description
Point1 Point Geometric point from the first geometry
Point2 Point Geometric point from the second geometry
Distance Length Distance between the two geometric points


Creates a circular cone from a point, a plane, a radius, a height and a direction.


Name Type Description
Point Point Center of the base circle of the cone
Radius Unknown type Radius of the base circle of the cone
Plane Plane Support plane of the base circle of the cone
Height Length Height of the cone
Direction Vector Optional direction of the cone. if not specified, direction is the normal of the base plane
Cut Boolean Set to true if you want to cut the cone
Height Cut Length The height of the cut clone. it should be lesser than the height of the cone
Volume Boolean True if you want to create a volume, false if you want to create a surface


Name Type Description
C Geometry The created cone, either a volume or a surface depending on the options set

Connect Curves

Connects several curves with splines tangent to each curve to create a unique curve smoothly connected. this also works with a unique curve that has several domains.


Name Type Description
Curves Curve
Invert Boolean If set to true, connect the closest extremities of the consecutive curves. otherwise it uses default curve orientation and connects extremities in a regular way
Tension Real


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Created curve

Convex Hull

Create a convex hull for a given list of points.


Name Type Description
Points Point List of points


Name Type Description
Hull Geometry
Indexes Integer
Links Integer


Replaces corners by circle arcs.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve The curve with corners to replace.
Rad Length Radius of circle arcs.


Name Type Description
Out Curve

Curvature Center

Creates a point at the center of curvature of a curve measured at a reference point.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Curve to be measured
Point Point Point at which the curvature will be measured


Name Type Description
Point Point Resultant point at the center of curvature

Curve Attractor Force

Creates an attraction or repulsion force from a curve.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Curve used to compute the attraction or repulsion force. when applying the force to a point, closest point on the curve is used
Radius Length Distance of the influence of the attraction/repulsion. at this distance, the influence is 10 percent of the influence at the point
Displacement Length Maximum displacement of the attraction/repulsion when applied.
Direction Vector Optional direction. if not set, the attraction/repulsion influence on a point is related to the direction from the attraction/repulsion closest point on the curve to the point. if set, this influence is the projection of the above direction on the provided direction.
Mode Boolean Attraction force if true, repulsion force if false.
Function Function Optional function to modify the influence depending on the ratio of the point on the curve
Law Function Optional law. a function is expected. if it is provided, it is used instead of the default law that computes the basic contribution of an attractor depending on the distance computed.

Curve Between

Creates a curve at a given ratio between two curves.


Name Type Description
Curve 1 Curve
Curve 2 Curve
Ratio Real


Name Type Description
Output Curve Curve Created curve

Curve Parallel

Creates a curve parallel to a given one on a surface.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Curve reference
Surface Surface Surface support. (note parallel on polyhedral body used as input only works for planar curve and plane support)
Offset Value Unknown type Offset value. can be a constant length or an 'offset' law function passed as input
With Corners Boolean Corner option, allows you to add a corner to sharp vertices in result curve that has been parallelized
Compute mode Integer Algorithm to compute parallel, 1: euclidian (default) , 2: geodesic. note: geodesic is far more expensive for computing parallel


Name Type Description
Offset Curve Curve Created curve

Curve Smooth

Creates a smoother curve.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve
Support Surface
Maximum Deviation Length


Name Type Description
Result Curve Created curve

Deform Surface

Deforms a surface given a list of reference points and a list of target points.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface The surface to deform.
Reference Points Point The points to use as reference for the deformation.
Target Points Point The points to use as target for the deformation.
Ratio Real The level of smoothing to apply on the result. at 0 the resulting surface is coincident with the target points.


Name Type Description
Deformed Surface Surface The deformed surface.


Disassembles multi-cell geometries into mono-cell ones.


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry


Name Type Description
Disassemble Geometry List of geometries

Divide Curve

Divides a curve to generate points on the curve.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve
Number Integer
With Bounds Boolean
Generate Segments Boolean
Function Function You can pass a function [0-1]->[0-1] to modify the way points are spaced
Point reference Point Reference point for the dividing curve, especially useful for closed curves. for unclosed curves, the division starts at the point reference and is applied to the positive side of curve based on its orientation


Name Type Description
Points Point Created points
Segments Curve Created curve segments

Divide Curve by Length

Divides a curve in equal segments of the specified length.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Curve to be divided
Length Length Reference length to split the curve
Mode Integer 0 - exact spacing: the result spacing is equal to the input length except the last one that can be less. 1 - max spacing: all spacings are less or equal to the input length 2 - nearest spacing: all spacings are the best fit to the input length 3 - min spacing: all spacings are is greater or equal to the input length 4 - chord length: the spacings are not measured along the curve but through the chord
With Bounds Boolean Specifies wether the extremities of the curve should be part of the result
Generate Segments Boolean To generate segments as well as points
Start Offset Length Offset at the beginning of the curve before division
End Offset Length Offset at the end of the curve after division


Name Type Description
Points Point Created points along the curve
Segments Curve Curve splitted in segments
Spacing Length Real spacing between the points. depending on the selected mode in can be less or greater than the input length

Divide Surface

Divides a surface in subsurfaces bounded by iso-parametric curves.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Surface to divide
Number U Integer Number of divisions in u direction
Number V Integer Number of divisions in v direction
Function U Function
Function V Function Functio nv
Generate Iso Curves Boolean Generate curves


Name Type Description
Surfaces Surface List of surfaces
Iso Curves U Curve List of iso curves in u direction
Iso Curves V Curve List of iso curves in v direction


Divides a geometry into its geometrical domains.


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry


Name Type Description
Domains Geometry List of domains


Creates an ellipse from it's center, major and minor axis.


Name Type Description
Center Point Center point of the ellipse
Major Axis Length Major axis (a) value of the ellipse
Minor Axis Length Minor axis (b) value of the ellipse
Support Plane Support plane for the ellipse
Rotation Angle Angle Angle of rotation between the first direction of the support plane and the major axis of the ellpise


Name Type Description
Result Curve Created ellipse

Ellipse from Focals

Creates an ellipse from two focal points and an eccentricity value.


Name Type Description
Focus Point 1 Point First focal point of the ellipse
Focus Point 2 Point Second focal point of the ellipse
Eccentricity Real Eccentricity influences the shape of the ellipse. this value is strictly within the range ] 0 ; 1 [. the closed to 0 the more the ellipse will be large and look like a circle. the closest to 1 the more the ellipse will be flat.
Support Plane Support plane of the ellipse. if the focal point 1 is not in this plane, the ellipse will be created in a plane parallel to this one going through the focal point 1


Name Type Description
Result Curve Created ellpise

Exact To Polyhedral

Converts geometric object into a polyhedral result object. exact geometry is tessellated, converted in polyhedral geometry for hybrid modeling.


Name Type Description
Object Geometry Exact geometric object to convert.


Name Type Description
Polyhedral Geometry Created polyhedral object

Extrapol Curve

Extrapol a curve, either on support or not, from its extremities.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Curve to extrapolate
Support Surface Support of the curve, can be empty. it is required in case of extrapolation to be done either on support with length or up to support boundaries
Continuity Integer Continuity at extrapolation extremities, tangent or curvature
Start Length Length for curve starting extremity
End Length Length for curve ending extremity
UpToSupportLimits Boolean Allows extrapolation up to support limit boundaries, only available when a surface support is associated to the curve


Name Type Description
Curve extrapolated Curve Extrapolated curve, merged with initial curve

Extrapol Surface

Extrapolate a surface from one or several edges, either in tangent or curvature continuity.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Surface to extrapolate
Edges Curve One or several edges to extrapolate. note: when not set, all boundary edges are extrapolated
Continuity Integer Continuity mode for extrapolation, tangent or curvature
Length Length Extrapolation value
Continuity at edges vertices Integer Continuity tangent or normal: modes applicable at edge vertices, tangent: vertices are extrapolated in the tangent direction of the adjacent edges, normal: vertices are extrapolated perpendicular to the edge


Name Type Description
Surface extrapolated Surface Extrapolated surface, merged with initial surface


Computes the extremum of the given geometry in various directions. the result can be a point, a curve or a surface.


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry
Direction 1 Vector
Orientation 1 Boolean
Direction 2 Vector
Orientation 2 Boolean
Direction 3 Vector
Orientation 3 Boolean


Name Type Description
Extremum Geometry Created geometry


Extrudes a profile along a direction.


Name Type Description
Profile Geometry Profile to extrude
Direction Vector Direction for extrusion
Length 1 Length Distance between the profile and the extrusion start
Length 2 Length Distance between the profile and the extrusion end


Name Type Description
Extrusion Geometry Extruded geometry

Extrude To Point

Extrudes a curve to a point. if the curve is closed, this allows to do a generic cone from the curve and the point.


Name Type Description
Profile Curve Base profile.
Pt Point Target point.


Name Type Description
Extrusion Geometry The created extrusion


Creates a surface bounded by a closed curve.


Name Type Description
Outer Wires Curve Outer geometry curve
Inner Wires Curve Inner geometry curve
Passing Geometries Geometry Passing geometry (point ,curve)
Outer Support Surface Support surface of outer wires to create continuity with
Outer Continuity Integer The kind of continuity expected with outer support surface. depending on the geometry it is sometime not possible to get the expected continuity.
Inner Support Surface Support surface of inner wires to create continuity with
Inner Continuity Integer The kind of continuity expected with inner support surface. depending on the geometry it is sometime not possible to get the expected continuity.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Created surface


Creates a fillet from a sharp edge and its supporting body.


Name Type Description
Support Surface
Edge Curve
Radius Length


Name Type Description
Fillet Surface Resulting fillet

Geometry to Axis System

Creates an axis system based on an origin point and three directions.


Name Type Description
Origin Point
Direction 1 Vector First u direction
Direction 2 Vector Second v direction
Direction 3 Vector Third w direction


Name Type Description
Axis System AxisSystem

Grid UV

Generates an array of points on a surface along uv directions.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface
Number U Integer
Number V Integer
With Bounds Boolean
Orientation Boolean
Function U
Function V


Name Type Description
Points Point Resultant grid of points

Group by continuity

Groups a list of geometries by creating continuous objects.


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry Geometries to be grouped
Continuity Integer Continuity for grouping, g0, g1 or g2 respectively for point type, tangent type and curvature type (only for curves) continuities.


Name Type Description
Results Geometry List of grouped geometries


Creates a helix starting from a given point around a given axis.


Name Type Description
Starting Point Point Starting point of the helix
Axis Line Axis along which the helix will turn
Pitch Length Length that the helix will take to do a full revolution
Number Real Number of revolutions to do, can be a real number.
Axis Orientation Boolean Orientation of the axis
Trigonometric Orientation Boolean Turning orientation, trigonometric or not


Name Type Description
Helix Curve Created helix

Hexagonal Grid

Creates a grid of points at the center of an hexagonal pattern in a plane.


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Support plane of the grid
Side Length Length of the side of the hexagon
Number X Integer Number of hexagons in the x direction
Number Y Integer Number of hexagons in the y direction


Name Type Description
Points Point Array of points generated at the center of each hexagon of the grid

Hexagons On Surface

Builds hexagons on a surface. this operator relies on iso curves computation. so it will produce wrong results if iso curves produce wrong results (multi-cell surfaces will work only if uv of the different cells are oriented the same way).


Name Type Description
S Surface Input surface
Num U Integer Number of hexagons in u direction
Num V Integer Number of hexagons in v direction
Flip Boolean Flips the orientation of hexagons
Gen Curves Boolean Generates the curves. if deactivated, only points are generated
Project Curves Boolean Project the curves on the surface
Gen Surfaces Boolean Generates the surfaces
Function U Function Function to influence the position of points in u direction
Function V Function Function to influence the position of points in v direction


Name Type Description
Pts List
Crvs List
Surfs List


Creates a segment of hyperbola defined by its minor and major axis on a planar support.


Name Type Description
Center Point Center of the hyperbola curve
Support Plane Planar support of the hyperbola
Major Axis Length Tha major axis value (a) of the hyperbola
Minor Axis Length Minor axis value (b) of the hyperbola
Start Parameter Length Paramater along the curve on the first side
End Parameter Length Paramater along the curve on the second side


Name Type Description
Result Curve Created hyperbola curve

Inertia Axis

Computes the inertia axis of a geometry.


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry
Index Integer


Name Type Description
Axis Line Created line

Inertia Axis System

Computes the inertia axis system matrix of a geometry (three inertia axis + center of gravity).


Name Type Description


Name Type Description
Axis System AxisSystemMatrix Created inertia axis system matrix


Creates the intersection curve between two geometries.


Name Type Description
Geometry 1 Geometry First geometry
Geometry 2 Geometry Second geometry


Name Type Description
Intersection Geometry Created geometry


Inverts the orientation of a curve or a surface.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry


Name Type Description
Inversed Geometry Inverted geometry

Isoparam Curve Point

Creates an isoparametric curve (same u or same v) from a point and direction (boolean u or v is used only if direction is not provided). supports surfaces with several faces.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface
Point Point
Direction Vector
U or V Boolean


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Created point

Isoparam Curve Ratio

Creates an isoparametric curve (same u or same v). supports surfaces with several faces.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface
Orientation Boolean
Ratio Real


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Created curve

Line 2 Points

Creates a line between two points.


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point First input point
Point 2 Point Second input point
Start Length Length Optional length to extend the line beyond the first point
End Length Length Optional length to extend the line beyond the second point
Support Surface Optional geometric support to constrain the resultant point (curve, surface, plane, etc)


Name Type Description
Line Curve Resultant line

Line Angle

Creates a line tangent to a surface at a angle on a reference curve at a reference point.


Name Type Description
Reference Curve Curve Curve to use as reference for the line
Support Surface Support plane or surface for the line
Reference Point Point Origin of the line
Angle Angle Angle of the resultant line measured from the tangent of the reference curve at the reference point
Start Length Length Length to extend the line in the opposite direction of the curve
End Length Length Length to extend the line in the tangent direction of the curve
Orientation Boolean Direction of the line from the reference point. this flips the start and end length from the reference point
Is Geodesic Boolean


Name Type Description
Line Curve Resultant line

Line Normal

Creates a line, normal to a surface at a given point.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface
Point on Surface Point
Start Length Length Distance between the point and the line start
End Length Length Distance between the point and the line end
Orientation Boolean Take the opposite direction


Name Type Description
Line Line Created line

Line Point Direction

Creates a line with a point and a vector givin the direction.


Name Type Description
Point Point Reference point
Direction Vector Direction vector
Start Length Length Distance between the reference point and the line start
End Length Length Distance between the reference point and the line end
Orientation Boolean Opposite direction


Name Type Description
Line Line Created line

Line Tangent

Creates a line, tangent to a curve, at a given point.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve
Point Point
Start Length Length Distance between the point and the line start
End Length Length Distance between the point and the line end
Orientation Boolean Take opposite direction


Name Type Description
Line Line Created line


Create a multi-sections surface by sweeping one or more section curves along an automatically computed or user-defined spine. the surface can be made to respect one or more guide curves. you can also add continuity with support surfaces for sections and guides.


Name Type Description
Sections Curve The sections to sweep. must be planar curves.
Orientations Integer The orientation of each section to sweep.
Guides Curve The guides the surface must follow. must be curves intersecting with all sections.
Closing Points Point For closed sections, the closing points can replace the guides.
Support 1 Surface The support surface for the first section.
Continuity 1 Integer The continuity level between the support surface of the first section and the resulting surface.
Support 2 Surface The support surface for the last section.
Continuity 2 Integer The continuity level between the support surface of the last section and the resulting surface.
Guides Supports Surface The support surfaces for the guides.
Guides Continuities Integer The continuity level between the support surfaces of the guides and the resulting surface (0=point, 1=tangent, 2=curvature).
Spine Curve Spine curve for loft


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Created surface


Moves a geometry to another place defined by the transformation of a matrix (or an axis system) to another one.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry
From Axis System Matrix
To Axis System Matrix


Name Type Description
Moved Geometry Moved geometry

Near Domain

Returns the nearest geometrical domain of an object relatively to a reference object.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry
Reference Geometry
Far Boolean
Dimension Integer


Name Type Description
Result Geometry Created geometry

Near List

Returns the nearest geometric object in a list of object relatively to a reference object.


Name Type Description
List of Geometries Geometry
Reference Geometry Geometry
Far Boolean When true far instead of near is computed


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry Nearest or farthest geometry in the list

Nesting On Surface

Attempts to lay out a given set of geometrical objects on a given support surface (check support input description to know about the limitations). (also called packing).


Name Type Description
Geometrical Objects Geometry List of geometrical objects to lay out on the surface.
Number of Geometries Integer Number of geometrical objects. it can be one number to apply to all geometrical objects, or it can be one number for each geometrical objects (so the lists must have the same size).
Support Geometry Support surface. limitation: the support surface must be planar and parallel to the xy plane.
Minimal Gap Length Minimal gap to keep between geometrical objects when laying out them on the surface.
Rotations Freedom Boolean Defines the possible rotations of the nested objects. it can be 3d for all rotations, 2d to keep height directions or none to prevent any rotation.
Exclusions Geometry Exclusion zones to take into account.
Contour Boolean Uses the real contours of the geometrical object, requires more computation time. if false bounding boxes are used instead of the real contours.


Name Type Description
Nested Geometries The nested geometries.


Creates a surface from two sets of curves : guides and profiles.


Name Type Description
Profiles Curve
Guides Curve


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Created surface

Offset Surface

Creates a parallel surface by setting an offset distance from a surface.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Original surface
Offset Length Offset distance


Name Type Description
Offset Surface Surface Created surface

Orient Curve

Changes the curve orientation so that the tangent on the given point is in the same direction as the given direction (scalar product between the two directions has to be positive).


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Curve
Reference Point Point Reference point
Direction Vector Direction


Name Type Description
Output Curve Curve Output curve

Orient Plane

Modifies the x axis of a plane (y axis is deduced). useful when you use point on plane.


Name Type Description
Plane Plane
Direction Vector


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Created plane

Orient Surface

Changes the surface orientation so that the normal on the given point is in the same direction as the given direction (scalar product between two direction vectors have to be positive).


Name Type Description
Surface Surface
Reference Point Point
Direction Vector


Name Type Description
Oriented Surface Surface


Creates a parabola curve with the given focal distance from its origin.


Name Type Description
Origin Point Origin point of the parabola curve
Support Plane Planar support surface of the parabola
Focal Length Length Focal length defining the parabola
Start Parameter Length Distance on the first side of the parabola
End Parameter Length Distance on the second side of the parabola


Name Type Description
Result Curve Created parabola curve


Creates a parallelepiped from point directions and lengths. result can be a volume or a surface.


Name Type Description
Pt Point Origin point.
Center Boolean Origin point is the center of the parallelepiped (true) or a corner (false).
L1 Length Length in first direction.
Dir1 Vector First direction.
L2 Length Length in second direction.
Dir2 Vector Second direction.
L3 Length Length in third direction.
Dir3 Vector Third direction.
Volume Boolean Result as a volume (true) or a surface (false).


Name Type Description
P Geometry


Creates a parallelogram.


Name Type Description
Pt Point Origin point for the parallelogram.
Center Boolean Origin point is the center of the parallelepiped (true) or a corner (false).
L1 Length Length in first direction.
Dir1 Vector First direction.
L2 Length Length in second direction.
Dir2 Vector Second direction.


Name Type Description
P Curve

Plane 2 Lines

Creates a plane parallel with two lines.


Name Type Description
Line 1 Line
Line 2 Line


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Created plane

Plane 3 Points

Creates a plane defined by three points.


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point
Point 2 Point
Point 3 Point


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Created plane

Plane Angle

Creates a plane defined by an angle to a reference plane and a line.


Name Type Description
Plane Plane
Line Line
Angle Angle
Orientation Boolean


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Created plane

Plane Curve

Creates the plane defined by a planar curve.


Name Type Description
Planar Curve Curve


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Created plane

Plane Mean

Creates the mean plane of a set of points.


Name Type Description
Points Point Points set


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Created plane

Plane Normal

Creates a plane, normal to a curve at the given point.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve
Origin Point


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Created plane

Plane Offset

Creates a parallel plane at the given distance of an other plane.


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Plane reference
Offset Length Offset distance
Orientation Boolean Orientation


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Created plane

Plane Point Line

Creates a plane defined a point and a line.


Name Type Description
Point Point
Line Line


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Created plane

Plane Tangent

Creates a plane, tangent to a surface at the given point.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface
Point Point


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Created plane

Point Attractor Force

Creates an attraction or repulsion force from a point.


Name Type Description
Point Point Center of the attraction or repulsion force
Radius Length Distance of the influence of the attraction/repulsion. at this distance, the influence is 10 percent of the influence at the point
Displacement Length Maximum displacement of the attraction/repulsion when applied.
Direction Vector Optional direction. if not set, the attraction/repulsion influence on a point is related to the direction from the attraction/repulsion center to the point. if set, this influence is the projection of the above direction on the provided direction.
Mode Boolean Attraction force if true, repulsion force if false,.
Law Function Optional law. a function is expected. if it is provided, it is used instead of the default law that computes the basic contribution of an attractor depending on the distance computed.

Point Between

Creates a point between two points. the ratio defines the position between the two points. a support constraint can be added.


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point First input point
Point 2 Point Second input point
Ratio Real Position between the two points. must be between 0 and 1
Orientation Boolean Orientation of the ratio between the first and second points
Support Geometry Optional geometric support to constrain the resultant point (curve, surface, plane, etc)


Name Type Description
Point Point Resultant point

Point By Coordinates

Creates a point at xyz coordinates.


Name Type Description
X Length Coordinate value along x axis
Y Length Coordinate value along y axis
Z Length Coordinate value along z axis
Reference Point Point Position of the computed point will be added to this point


Name Type Description
Point Point Resultant point

Point From Vector

Creates a point using a vector to set its coordinates.


Name Type Description
Vector Vector


Name Type Description
Point Point

Point on Curve

Creates a point on a curve at a given distance from an optional reference point.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Curve support for the resultant point
Reference Point Point Optional reference point on the curve
Distance Length Distance along the curve from the reference point
Orientation Boolean Orientation of the resultant point relative to the reference point along the curve


Name Type Description
Point Point Resultant point on curve

Point on Curve Ratio

Creates a point on a curve at a given ratio from an optional reference point.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Curve support for the resultant point
Reference Point Point Optional reference point on the curve
Ratio Real Ratio along the curve from the reference point
Orientation Boolean Orientation of the resultant point relative to the reference point along the curve


Name Type Description
Point Point Resultant point on curve

Point on Face

Creates a point on the face of a surface given two ratios based on uv parametrization. raises an error if the input geometry is not a single face.


Name Type Description
Face Surface Face of a surface
U Real Ratio in u direction (should be between 0 and 1)
V Real Ratio in v direction (should be between 0 and 1)


Name Type Description
Point Point Resultant point of surface

Point on Plane

Creates a point on a plane at xy coordinates using an optional reference point as origin.


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Support plane for the resultant point
Reference Point Point Optional reference point on the plane
X Length X displacement from the origin point
Y Length Y displacement from the origin point


Name Type Description
Point Point Resultant point on plane

Point on Surface from Center

Point on surface from center, local axis computed at surface center is used .


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Surface reference, need neither to be closed nor infinite.
Dx Length Distance along inertia axis primary direction mapped on surface at surface midpoint.
Dy Length Distance along orthogonal direction to first direction on surface at surface midpoint.
Point reference Point Midpoint on the surface. if it is not defined, the operator automatically calculates this 'midpoint'. (dx = 0, dy = 0) is midpoint reference 'logical' coordinates. tip: calculating the midpoint remains relatively expensive, if a collection of points is to be created on the surface, first create the midpoint and then pass it to the 'point on surface from the center' collection as input.
Point computation mode Integer Compute mode of the reference point on the surface when not defined as input. 1: firstcellcenter: geometric center of the first surface cell (default) , 2: centerproj; projection of the center of inertia on the surface (closest point). note: if none of these solutions are valid, the user can directly specify a point to use.


Name Type Description
Point Point Point on surface.

Polygon 2 Points

Creates a polygon defined by a center and a point, the number of edges and a support plane.


Name Type Description
Center Point Polygon center
Corner Point Point Point defining polygon corner
Support Plane Plane support
Number Integer Side number of polygon
Star Ratio Real


Name Type Description
Polygon Curve Created curve

Polygon Center Radius

Creates a polygon defined by a center, the number of edges, a support plane and an angle.


Name Type Description
Center Point
Support Plane
Sides Integer
Radius Length
Reference Angle Angle
Star Ratio Real


Name Type Description
Polygon Curve Created curve


Creates a polyline passing by a given list of points.


Name Type Description
Points Point List of points to pass by
Is Closed Boolean Close the polyline


Name Type Description
Polyline Curve Created polyline


Projects a geometry on another. if direction is not provided, the projection is orthogonal.


Name Type Description
Wire to Project Geometry Point or curve to project
Support Geometry Support for projection
Direction Vector Projection direction, if not set, operator computes nearest projection


Name Type Description
Projection Geometry Created geometry


Computes a quadrangulation of a surface. it is possible to choose between quad only and quad dominent modes. quad only can fail on some surfaces.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface
Length Length Length of the quads
Quad Only Boolean If true the operators computes a quad only result. this can fail. if false it computes a quad dominant result, this option never fails.


Name Type Description
Curves Curve The resulting curves.

Radial Grid

Creates an array of points organised on a radial grid in a plane.


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Support plane for the grid
Radius Length Radius difference betwwen two circles of the grid
Number of Circles Integer Number of circles of the grid
Number of Angle Division Integer Number of angle division for the grid
Radial Offset Length Radial offset to start from the center. 0 offset means that the first ring of point is at the origin


Name Type Description
Points Point List of points generated at the grid intersection

Rectangle 2 Points

Creates a wireframe rectangle from 2 points on a plane. by default uv directions of the support give the orientation to the rectangle. if a direction is provided it overloads the plane directions.


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point First point to define the rectangle
Point 2 Point Second point to define the rectangle
Support Plane Support plane where the rectangle lies
Is Centered Boolean If true the first point will be at the center of the rectangle
Direction Vector Direction to orient the rectangle. if not provided, the support uv directions are used.


Name Type Description
Rectangle Curve Resultant rectangle

Rectangle 3 Points

Creates a rectangles from 2 adjacent corners and a third point on the opposite side.


Name Type Description
Point 1 Point First corner
Point 2 Point Adjacent corner
Point 3 Point Third point defining the plane where the rectanle lies and giving the length of the rectangle


Name Type Description
Rectangle Curve Resultant rectangle

Rectangular Grid

Creates a rectangular grid of points in a plane.


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Support plane of the grid
Size X Length Length between two points in the x direction
Size Y Length Lenght between two points in the x direction
Number X Integer Number of points in the x direction
Number Y Integer Number of points in the y direction


Name Type Description
Points Point Array of points generated at the grid location


Boolean remove operation between two volumes.


Name Type Description
Volume 1 Volume Reference volume
Volume 2 Volume Volume to be removed from reference volume


Name Type Description
Volume Volume Created volume


Creates a revoluation of a given profile.


Name Type Description
Profile Geometry Profile to revolute
Axis Line Axis of the revolution
Angle 1 Angle Starting angle
Angle 2 Angle Ending angle
Is Volume Integer Result is a volume
Orientation Boolean Take the opposite direction


Name Type Description
Result Geometry Created geometry

Rolling Offset

Creates a rolling curve at a required offset distance from a reference curve on a surface.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve
Surface Surface
Offset Value Length


Name Type Description
Result Curve Created curve


Rotates a geometry relatively to a given axis.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry Geometry to rotate
Axis Line Rotation axis
Angle Angle Angle value


Name Type Description
Rotated Geometry Created geometry


Changes the size of a geometry by a given ratio.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry Geometry to scale
Reference Geometry Reference (point or plane)
Scaling Ratio Real Scaling ratio


Name Type Description
Scaled Geometry Created geometry

Segment Sweep

Creates a surface by sweeping out a curve from a supporting surface while taking other user-defined parameters such as length of the resulting surface and angle to the support.


Name Type Description
Guide Curve Guiding curve
Support Surface Supporting surface
Length 1 Length First side length
Length 2 Length Second side length
Angle Angle


Name Type Description
Sweep Surface Resulting sweep

Shape Fillet

Creates a fillet from 2 supports.


Name Type Description
Support 1 Surface First support
Support 2 Surface Second support
Radius Length
Orientation 1 Boolean Reverse first support orientation
Orientation 2 Boolean Reverse second support orientation


Name Type Description
Fillet Surface Resulting fillet


Creates a shell from a volume.


Name Type Description
Volume Volume
Internal Thickness Length
External Thickness Length


Name Type Description
Shell Volume Created volume

Shortest Path

Given a list of curves, a starting point and a target point, computes the shortest path (the optimal list of curves to go from the starting point to the target one).


Name Type Description
Curves Curve List of curves
Weights Real Optional weights associated to the different curves. by default, the weight of a curve is the length of the curve. by providing proper weights on curves, you can modify the shortest path result
Starting Point Point Starting point
End Point Point Target point


Name Type Description
O Crvs List The sorted curves that are part of the shortest path. if there is no path from the starting point to the target one, returns an empty list
O Crvs Indexs List The sorted curves indexes that are part of the shortest path. if there is no path from the starting point to the target one, returns an empty list

Silhouette Conical

Builds the outline of a shape according to a conical view defined by the viewpoint from which the shape is seen.


Name Type Description
Shape Geometry Shape of which we want to build the silhouette
Viewpoint Point Viewpoint from which the shape is seen
External edges Boolean Returns the external edges belonging to the external loop of the result
Internal edges Boolean Returns the internal edges belonging to the internal loop of the result
Inner edges Boolean Returns all edges other than external and internal


Name Type Description
Silhouette Geometry Resulting silhouette

Silhouette Cylindrical

Builds the outline of a shape according to a cylindrical view defined by the direction in which the shape is seen.


Name Type Description
Shape Geometry Shape of which we want to build the silhouette
Direction Vector Direction in which the shape is seen
Plane Plane Planar face to which the computed outline is projected
External edges Boolean Returns the external edges belonging to the external loop of the result
Internal edges Boolean Returns the internal edges belonging to the internal loop of the result
Inner edges Boolean Returns all edges other than external and internal
Face mode Boolean Returns a set of faces in case the computed outline is projected to a planar face


Name Type Description
Silhouette Geometry Resulting silhouette

Slice Surface

Divides a surface by a set of curves. it creates surfaces that are the result of a multi-trim operation of the surface.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface
Curve Curve


Name Type Description
Surfaces Surface Created surfaces

Slice Volume

Divides a volume by a set of surfaces. it creates volumes that are a result of a multi-trim operation of the volume. surfaces should not partially cross the volume.


Name Type Description
Volume Volume The volume to be divided
Surfaces Surface The list of surfaces. they should either not intersect or fully cross the volume


Name Type Description
Volumes List List of created volumes

Sphere Center Point

Creates a sphere from a center point and another point to determine the radius. the angles enable to create only a portion of sphere and the boolean to bypass them altogether. the axis is optional.


Name Type Description
Center Point Center of the sphere to create
Point Point Point defining the radius of the sphere
Axis Line Vertical axis of the sphere
Closed Boolean Create a full closed sphere and bypass the angles
Longitude Start Angle Longitude angle (theta) to start the sphere
Longitude End Angle Longitude angle (theta) to end the sphere
Latitude Start Angle Latitude angle (delta) to start the sphere
Latitude End Angle Latitude angle (delta) to end the sphere


Name Type Description
Sphere Geometry Created sphere

Sphere Center Radius

Creates a sphere with the given center point and radius.


Name Type Description
Center Point Center of the sphere to create
Radius Length Radius of the sphere
Axis Line Vertical axis of the sphere
Closed Boolean Create a full closed sphere and bypass the angles
Longitude Start Angle Longitude angle (theta) to start the sphere
Longitude End Angle Longitude angle (theta) to end the sphere
Latitude Start Angle Latitude angle (delta) to start the sphere
Latitude End Angle Latitude angle (delta) to end the sphere


Name Type Description
Sphere Geometry Created sphere


Creates a spiral centered on a point on a given support and along a direction.


Name Type Description
Center Point Center point for the spiral. the point will be on the helix if strd is 0.
Support Surface Support plane for the helix.
Start Radius Length Radius of the spiral at its starting point. can be 0.
End Radius Length Radius of the spiral at its ending point. should be superior to strd
Direction Vector Direction of the spiral, indicates where the first point of the spiral should be positionned with respect to the pt input.
Number Real Number of revolutions to be done in the spiral, can be a real number.
Orientation Boolean Turning orientation, trigonometric or not.


Name Type Description
Spiral Curve Created spiral


Creates a spline passing by a list of points (can be 'geometric points' or 'spline points').


Name Type Description
Points Point List of points to pass by. the points can be standard 'geometric points' or 'spline points'. the 'spline point' is an object that associates tangency and curvature definition to input passing points used in spline computation
Is Closed Boolean Indicates spline to be computed as closed curve
Support Surface Spline computed is laying on support (all passing points, tangency and curvature constraints need to be on the support as well)
Tangents Vector Note : not used if 'spline points' specified in list of input points
Tensions Real Note : not used if 'spline points' specified in list of input points


Name Type Description
Spline Curve Created spline

Spline Point

Point for spline definition, allow to associate to point tangent and, if needed curvature information's constraints .


Name Type Description
Point Point Point for spline
Tangent Curve Tangent definition object
Orientation Boolean Tangent orientation, by default (true) gets the logical positive orientation of given the tangent input
Tension Real Tension ratio for tangent
Curvature direction Vector Curvature direction. it is used in 'explicit' mode, tangent need to be defined, curvature direction should not to be colinear to tangent direction. at computation, curvature direction is projected in normal plane to tangent direction at point for spline, so that, curvature direction used is always normal to tangent
Radius Length Curvature radius. it is used in 'explicit' mode: tangent and curvature directions need to be defined, applied when <>0mm
Mode Integer 'explicit': tangency , curvature (when requested) directions definitions (prefer linear wire object for this mode) , 'fromcurve': tangency , curvature (when requested) are calculated from the tangent curve in its point closest to the 'point for spline'
Continuity Integer Continuity tangency(g1) curvature(g2). for curvature computation activation. 'explicit': curvature direction need to be specified, eventually radius, 'fromcurve': curvature direction and radius are automatically computed from tangent curve reference (curvature direction and radius inputs are not used in this mode)


Splits a geometry by another one. for a volume, you can only split it with a plane.


Name Type Description
To Split Geometry Geometric object to split
Splitting Geometry Splitting geometry
Orientation Boolean Allow to choose solution among available possibilities


Name Type Description
Result Geometry Created geometry

Split Curve by Ratios

Splits a curve in several segments based on a list of ratio belong the curve.


Name Type Description
Curve Curve Curve to split.
Ratios Real Ratios (values between 0 and 1) to split the curve. the order of ratios doesn't matter.


Name Type Description
Curves Curve List of curves resulting from the split operation

Sub Elements

Returns all the boundary representations (brep) of a geometry of a given dimension (0 for vertices, 1 for edges, 2 for faces).


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry
Dimension Integer Dimension of the list of sub elements to return


Name Type Description
Sub Elements Geometry List of geometries of the given dimension

Surface Attractor Force

Creates an attraction or repulsion force from a surface.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Surface used to compute the attraction force. when the force to a point, closest point on the surface is used
Radius Length Distance of the influence of the attraction/repulsion. at this distance, the influence is 10 percent of the influence at the point
Displacement Length Maximum displacement of the attraction/repulsion when applied.
Direction Vector Optional direction. if not set, the attraction/repulsion influence on a point is related to the direction from the attraction/repulsion closest point on the surface to the point. if set, this influence is the projection of the above direction on the provided direction.
Mode Boolean Attraction force if true, repulsion force if false.
Law Function Optional law. a function is expected. if it is provided, it is used instead of the default law that computes the basic contribution of an attractor depending on the distance computed.

Surface Sampling

Builds a list of points on a surface using a poisson disk sampling.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Surface where the points are created.
Number of Points Integer Number of points to be created.


Name Type Description
Points Point List of created points

Swap Axis System

Circular permutation on the 3 axis. x becomes y, y becomes z and z becomes x. repeat it twice if needed.


Name Type Description
Axis AxisSystemMatrix


Name Type Description
Swapped Axis AxisSystemMatrix


Creates a surface by sweeping out a profile while taking other user-defined parameters such as guide curves and reference elements into account.


Name Type Description
Profile Curve
Guide Curve
Reference Surface
Move Profile Boolean With this option, the profile is automatically moved to the origin of the guide curve.


Name Type Description
Sweep Surface Created surface


Computes the symmetry of a geometry relatively to a geometry (point, line, plane).


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry Geometry to be symmetrized
Inversed Geometry Reference for symmetry (point: central symmetry , line: axial symmetry , plane: reflexion - i.e: plane symmetry -)


Name Type Description
Symmetry Geometry Created geometry

Tangent 2 Circles

Creates two circle tangent to two other circles with a given radius.


Name Type Description
Circle 1 Circle First circle
Circle 2 Circle Second circle
Radius Length Radius of the created circles
Is Full Boolean Draws only an arc or the full circle
Complementary Boolean If only an arc is drawn, tells which side of the arc to draw


Name Type Description
Circles Circle Created tangent circles

Tangent Lines Circles

Creates two lines bi-tangent to two circles. you can choose between the inner or outer tangents.


Name Type Description
Circle 1 Circle First circle
Circle 2 Circle Second circle
In or Out Boolean Switch betwwen inner or outer tangents


Name Type Description
Lines Line Two tangent lines

Tangent Lines Point Circle

Creates two lines tangent to a circle passing trough a point.


Name Type Description
Point Point Point to converge the tangents
Circle Circle Circle from which to draw the tangent lines


Name Type Description
Lines Line Tangent lines


Creates a tetrahedron from 4 points. result can be as a volume or as a surface.


Name Type Description
Pt1 Point First vertex.
Pt2 Point Second vertex.
Pt3 Point Third vertex.
Pt4 Point Forth vertex.
Volume Boolean Result as a volume (true) or as a surface (false).


Name Type Description
T Geometry

Thick Surface

Creates a volume by applying a thickness on a surface.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface
Distance 1 Length
Distance 2 Length
Orientation Boolean
Smooth Boolean


Name Type Description
Thick Surface Volume Created volume


Transfer points and/or wires from fold to unfold surface or vice-versa.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface Surface (folded) is the reference for transfer
Unfolded surface Surface Surface unfolded (need to be the result of unfold operator)
Mode Integer Type of transfer: either 'fold to unfolded surface' or 'folded to unfold surface'
To transfer Geometry Geometries to transfer (points or/and wires)


Name Type Description
Transfered geometries Geometry Points and wires transfered

Transformation Matrix

Creates a matrix based on a point a three vectors.


Name Type Description
Origin Point
I Vector
J Vector
K Vector


Name Type Description
Matrix Matrix Created matrix

Translate 2 Points

Translates a geometry along a vector defined by two points.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry Geometry to translate
Point 1 Point Start point
Point 2 Point End point


Name Type Description
Translated Geometry Created geometry

Translate Length Direction

Translates a geometry along a given direction and length.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry Geometry to translate
Direction Vector Translation direction
Distance Length Distance length to apply


Name Type Description
Translated Geometry Created geometry

Translate by Coordinates

Translates a geometry along a vector defined by three coordinates.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry Geometry to translate
X Length X coordinate
Y Length Y coordinate
Z Length Z coordinate


Name Type Description
Translated Geometry Created geometry

Triangular Grid

Creates a grid of points aligned with an equilateral triangular grid in a plane.


Name Type Description
Plane Plane Support plane of the grid
Side Length Length of the side of the equilateral triangle of the grid
Number X Integer Number of points in the x direcion
Number Y Integer Number of points in the y direction


Name Type Description
Points Point Array of points generated at the grid location


Computes a triangulation of a surface (the most equilateral possible).


Name Type Description
Geometric surface Geometry Surface to triangulate
Length Length Size of sides triangle


Name Type Description
Triangles Geometry Triangles generated by the triangulation


Creates a trimmed geometry from 2 geometries (surfaces or curves).


Name Type Description
Support 1 Geometry First support geometry
Support 2 Geometry Second support geometry
Orientation 1 Boolean Orientation to choose solution from first support
Orientation 2 Boolean Orientation to choose solution from second support


Name Type Description
Surface Geometry Created geometry


Unfolds a surface on a plane.


Name Type Description
Surface Surface The surface to unfold.
Plane Plane The target plane to unfold the surface on.
Strict mode Boolean If true, the operator will support only ruled surfaces and create an exact unfold. if false it will use an approximation enabling to manage non-ruled surfaces, but the result could not be fold to perfectly fit the initial surface.
Point reference Point The reference point must coincide with a vertex of the surface, the point is used as an anchor point on fold surface to transform and to position unfolded result surface
Direction reference Curve The directional reference can be a line or a wire indicating a main direction for the folded surface, for example it can be an edge extracted from the surface, a tangent starting from or containing the reference point
Point anchor on plane Point The target point is a point on the plane defined at the input. the reference point for folded surface will correspond to this point on the unfolded surface
Direction on plane Curve The target line identifies a preferred direction for the unfolded surface, this direction corresponds to the reference direction given for the folded surface as input. important note: to correctly positionned the unfold surface, the orientation of the plane is used: this orientation is mapped to the one of folded surface . tips: creates a normal direction on the fold and unfold surfaces to visually check the unfold and unfolds results on plane


Name Type Description
Unfolded Surface Surface The unfolded surface.

Vectors To Axis System

Creates an axis system matrix from four vectors (position and three orthogonal vectors for axis). automatic computations are realized for missing axis vectors.


Name Type Description
Position Vector Vector for axis system position (set to the origin if not provided)
X Vector Vector as first axis of the axis system matrix
Y Vector Vector as second axis of the axis system matrix
Z Vector Vector as third axis of the axis system matrix


Name Type Description
Axis System AxisSystemMatrix Created axis system matrix


Returns a set of polyhedra that creates a partitioning of the 3d space using voronoi algorithm. depending on the parameters, this node can generate the intersection between those polyhedra and a given surface.


Name Type Description
Points Point Sites for voronoi algorithm
Skin Surface Optional parameter. for better results, the skin should be a surface that can be closed
Mode Integer Optional parameter, default value is inside. option active only if a closed surface is provided. all : retrieves all the polyhedra partionning the space. internals :retrieves all the polyhedra inside the surface externals : retrieves all the polyhedra outside the surface.
Generate Vertices Boolean Optional parameter, default value is false. if the value is true, generates the vertices of the whole polyhedra partitionning the 3d space
Generate Faces Boolean Optional parameter, default value is true. only makes sense if a skin is given. when the user chooses true, the node returns the faces that are the intersection between polyhedra generated by voronoi algorithm and the skin
Only Neighbours Boolean When this option is activated, the operator only computes the neighbours indices
Generate Polyhedra Boolean Optional parameter, default value is false. outputs or not the polyhedra (voronoi cells) that are the main result of voronoi computation algorithm if no skin is provided and if the only neighbours option is not set, this value is not taken into account and polyhedra are always returned


Name Type Description
Polyhedra Surface Polyhedra partitionning the space resulting from voronoi algorithm (voronoi cells)
Faces Surface Faces result of the intersection between polyhedra and the skin
Vertices Point All vertices allowing to build the polyhedra
Neighbours This output is a list of list of integers that are the indices of neighbours for each of the voronoi sites. so it provides for each voronoi cell the list of adjacent cells

Wrap on Surface

Wrap a geometrical object on a target surface based on the deformation of the surface compared to a reference.


Name Type Description
Geometry Geometry Geometry to wrap.
Reference Surface Reference surface.
Target Surface Target surface.
Orientation U Boolean
Orientation V Boolean
Swap UV Boolean


Name Type Description
Result Geometry Wrapped geometry.